Midweek Motivation: 5 Mental Tricks to Regain Drive and Passion

You wake up early with big plans for the day, but three hours later you realize you haven’t accomplished anything at all. Let’s remember that we all have days when we are not at our best. It is normal. However, if this happens frequently, you may have lost motivation and passion.

It’s true that even the most passionate and motivated people can have days when they feel disconnected from their work. Feelings of numbness, frustration, or even sadness can hinder our ability to be productive. We may manage to go through the motions, but we are not operating at our best nor finding joy in what we are doing.

The good thing is that even in the most difficult moments, there are psychological tricks that can help you motivate yourself.

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If you’re struggling to get motivated, try these 5 mental tricks to help you regain drive and passion:

1. Insinuating motivation will help you

5 mental tricks to regain your motivation and passion

Motivation can be divided into two types: “extrinsic” (external) and “intrinsic” (internal). Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors such as deadlines set by a boss or the prospect of a bonus. On the other hand, intrinsic motivation arises from personal satisfaction or the desire for self-improvement, such as learning a new skill for personal growth.

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Extrinsic motivation is often based on conditional rewards, which can be effective for simple, physically demanding tasks. However, for tasks that are repetitive or creative, research suggests that such rewards can actually hinder performance.

Instead, it’s beneficial to focus on intrinsic motivation, which involves three key elements, according to author Dan Pink: autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

2. Look at the bigger picture

5 mental tricks to regain your motivation and passion

When you feel your motivation waning, try stepping back and looking at the bigger picture. Consider the purpose behind your actions and how they contribute to your broader goals. This perspective can give you the feeling that you are working on something bigger than yourself.

3. Trick your brain

5 mental tricks to regain your motivation and passion

Hypnotherapist Chris Delaney says it’s best to trick your mind. He suggests reading this statement aloud: “I love London in the summer.”

Did you notice the repeated use of the word “the” in the sentence? You may have missed the error entirely. A similar trick can be used to motivate ourselves more. Consider a task you’ve been putting off. Can you imagine the daunting nature of the task, the seemingly endless steps it requires, and the persistent fear of failure?

These reflections, focused solely on potential challenges and difficulties, overshadow the brighter aspects: the thrill of progress, the potential enjoyment, and the promising triumph that awaits you.

Instead of giving in to this negative spiral, redirect your attention to the more optimistic parts. By tricking his brain into liking the task itself, he is likely to feel more motivated to do it.

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4. Get rid of overthinking

5 mental tricks to regain your motivation and passion

Thinking too much about a simple task can end up making things more difficult than they really are. Instead of just doing it, you end up spending too much time worrying about things that probably won’t even happen.

This can make you feel more stressed and anxious. Research shows that when you’re constantly stressed, your brain can shrink. On the other hand, when you are calm you will be able to concentrate better and find solutions more easily.

The best way to stop overthinking is to make sure your goals are easy, small, and doable. Start by breaking your goals into smaller pieces so you can focus on doing one thing at a time.

5. Give yourself a day

5 mental tricks to regain your motivation and passion

Years ago, Google discovered that letting its employees spend 20% of their time on creative projects made them more productive, motivated, and sparked their creativity. Although Google stopped the program, other companies, such as Apple’s Blue Sky, took a similar approach. But what happens if you work for yourself? You can do something similar by setting aside an hour each day to work on a project you’re passionate about, even if it’s unrelated to your job.

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Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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