Mobile App Testing Strategies Every Developer Should Know

Mobile app testing presents unique challenges and still offers no middle ground. Either you win or you lose, and there is no return. There are several choices you’ll make and certain tradeoffs you’ll consider for the methods and techniques used in mobile app testing. And remember that each testing technique will have advantages and disadvantages, and no single method will guarantee satisfactory results. Rather, testing strategies combined with multiple testing options will balance quality, cost, and time.

Mobile devices with apps have become an all-encompassing standard for communication, business reputation, and source of information. An app with a botched user experience can bring down even the biggest names and therefore it is essential to test all aspects of the app before launching it on the market. We will consider various elements of mobile app testing in this article.

The recommendations we present in this article are based on the personal experience, research, and extensive development experience of JatApp’s dedicated development team. We are going to guide you through the process of application testing strategies for successful development:

Mobile device selection

The first step of this process will be the most difficult since this decision corresponds directly to the market scope of the application. You will have two options to choose from within the device selection: choose between emulators and major devices. The following factors should be considered before choosing the device:

  • Your application must be tested on a stable version of the operating system
  • To test the size and resolution of the app, make sure to use multiple displays.
  • Test the form factors of your application, whether it supports tablets and smartphones.
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Other factors like connectivity options, memory size, etc. will also require consideration.

Emulators vs. Physical Devices

For the early stages of development, emulators should be used as they help in inefficient testing. However, you can choose between emulators and physical devices. Device emulators are cost effective and useful in the feature development process for functionality testing. Device emulators also act as a great option for testing scripting languages, pseudo-live environments, and live bypassing.

The use of mobile devices does not limit the use of physical devices, since the tests practically allow a virtual understanding of the activities of the application. It is imperative to use both physical mobile devices and emulator mobile devices for better and more efficient results. Physical device testing is a step towards beta testing, which is a very useful technique in testing mobile apps for support to real networks, broader geographic coverage, real devices, and real world testers.

Beta testing makes it easy for you to test the app for the following factors:

  • network density
  • The behavior of the application on various devices.
  • How the app and real world users interact
  • Various states of the mass on different devices
  • Testing of the app on other networks (4G, Wi-Fi, 3G, etc.)

Testing on the mobile application in the cloud

Cloud-based mobile app testing provides a web-based environment for testing, making it easy to mix and match scenarios. Web-based cloud computing makes it possible to deploy, test, and manage the application and also helps decrease project cost while increasing ROI.

You will get the following from cloud-based application tests:

  • Preconfigured and synchronized architectures
  • Decreased defects linked to test setups that are unstable
  • Prevent companies from setting up test conditions on installations that take longer.
  • Eliminates the use of server configurations, advanced tools and licenses
  • Provide solutions for complex applications
  • Provide results in real time
  • Reduces TTM
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network connectivity

Network connectivity cannot be ignored as most applications depend on network connectivity to function accurately. Therefore, it is important to test mobile applications in a real network environment to experience the true picture of application behavior. A host of network simulation tools are available to test applications against connection outages, bandwidth caps, network speeds, and other scenarios. Your application must work consistently in all network environments to win.

Manual vs Automated

Automated testing is a key factor in successfully moving regression testing steps into development stages. However, automation needs a heavy investment initially, therefore it should be done in scenarios when:

  • The app has grown to some extent.
  • The mobile development cycle is long
  • The frequency and scale of regression tests are high

Mobile app performance tests

Testing the performance and scalability of applications is always a good practice. Check and test if your app’s performance is affected by increasing the size of albums, messages, mailboxes, and other content linked to the app. The app should also be tested with user-generated data or content linked to music, photos, etc. If your app has server-side components, it should also be tested with a larger number of users.

Mobile app security testing

Users are always concerned about the exposure of their credentials and data where data and security are not options. Please answer the following questions and confirm successful testing of the mobile app:

  • Does your app store have payment and credit card details?
  • Does your application use secure network protocols?
  • Can secure protocols be exchanged for insecure ones?
  • Does your app ask for your permission before taking any steps?
  • Does the app use certificates?
  • Does the app use device ID?
  • How many login attempts are required before blocking?
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Knowing the trends in mobile app testing strategies today can help developers identify certain methods that will make their projects salable to the public. Use these strategies as guidelines for your next application!

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