Nikki Haley narrows Trump’s monster lead in New Hampshire: poll

Nikki Haley has slowly been chipping away at former President Donald Trump’s huge lead in New Hampshire as voters prepare to head to the polls in just over a month, according to a new poll.

Haley, a former U.N. ambassador under Trump, received 29% support among likely Republican voters in a new CBS News/YouGov poll.

Trump, however, still retains a massive 15-point lead, with 44% support.

The poll indicates that Haley is consolidating much of the anti-Trump vote in the Granite State.

Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, received much more support than Trump’s other Republican rivals: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis got 11%, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie 10% and businessman biotechnology Vivek Ramaswamy, 5%.

When voters were asked which candidate has the best chance of unseating President Biden in 2024, 51% said Trump “definitely” could do it, while 32% felt the same about Haley, the poll showed.

Nikki Haley maintains that she has momentum on her side, given the surge in support for her in recent polls. AP

New Hampshire voters also gave Haley high approval ratings, with 55% of voters considering her the most likable of the 2024 hopefuls, compared to DeSantis at 37%.

Trump and Ramaswamy tied for third place, with 36% rating them the most likable, according to the poll.

Additionally, 51% described Haley as reasonable compared to 37% who said the same about DeSantis and 36% who felt the same about Trump.

Last week, Haley’s campaign received a boost with the endorsement of Granite State Governor Chris Sununu.

The governor promised to “do everything possible” to help Haley win New Hampshire, where the primary is scheduled for January 23, 2023.

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The CBS/YouGov poll wasn’t the only outlet to place Haley in second place.

Haley also came in second in the Granite State in the latest aggregate RealClearPolitics poll, with an average of 21.3% support.

During the most recent Republican primary debate, Nikki Haley was the main target of her rivals on stage. AFP via Getty Images

In Iowa, DeSantis is in second place. Trump wins a firm majority in the Hawkeye State with 58% support, followed by DeSantis at 22% and Haley at 13%, according to the CBS/YouGov poll.

Haley’s team has highlighted other polls that put her in second place in Iowa; however, most have DeSanits at the top.

Trump is averaging 52% in Iowa, followed by DeSantis with 20% and Haley with 15.8%, according to RCP. Iowa is the first formal contest in the 2024 Republican scrum, scheduled for January 15, 2024.

At the national level, Trump’s advantage is even clearer, with 61.9% support, followed by DeSantis with 12.5% ​​and Haley with 11.8%, in the aggregate of national RCP polls.

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“I am the only one who can win [Trump] — there is a reason why they spend money against me. He has not spent money against her…

– DeSantis War Room 🐊 (@DeSantisWarRoom) December 15, 2023

Haley’s rivals have stepped up attacks on her amid her surge in the polls.

DeSantis’ team mounted a pressure campaign against her to participate in the January CNN debate days before the Iowa caucuses. She accepted the debate last week.

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Florida’s governor has also pressed her on whether she would accept a position as Trump’s vice presidential candidate, should he win the party’s nod to be the standard bearer.

“I am the only one who can win [Trump] — there is a reason why they spend money against me. He has not spent any money against them,” DeSantis said at a recent campaign event.

Donald Trump still has a big lead in the Republican primaries. AFP via Getty Images

Christie, who has effectively staked his entire campaign on New Hampshire, has also clashed with Haley.

“Nikki Haley should be ashamed of herself and she is part of the problem because she is enabling him. She is allowing it by telling people, she is fine. Let me be very clear,” Christie said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, criticizing her for not being more critical of Trump.

The New Hampshire poll was conducted Dec. 8-15 among 855 New Hampshire voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.5 percentage points.

The Iowa poll was conducted in the same period among 1,054 voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 6.1 percentage points.

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