North Korea denies Hamas uses weapons

In the recent Israeli massacre, weapons apparently produced by North Korea were likely used by Hamas in its offensive against Israel. Currently, many experts have analyzed the images of the weapons released by the Israel Defense Forces and it was revealed that North Korea supplied them to Hamas. You must read the article to get more details and information about the same. Follow us to know all the valuable information and latest updates.

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Surprisingly, North Korea denies the fact that Hamas used its weapons against Israel, calling the claims “false and baseless rumors.” It appears that weapons produced by North Korea were likely used by Hamas in its offensive against Israel, experts reveal by analyzing images published by the Israel Defense Forces and independent media. North Korean state media on Friday reportedly denied and rejected the suggestion with claims that these are fake media organizations and that some experts have been responsible for spreading unfounded rumors that North Korean weapons systems had been used. DPRK in Hamas attack on Israel. According to them, there are some experts who are spreading false and baseless rumors. Footage was reportedly posted on the IDF spokesperson’s social media account on Wednesday showing soldiers aiming at a series of rocket projectiles, at least one of which may have been produced in North Korea.

Similarly, Israeli news published more images on the same day revealing images that one expert said also included evidence from North Korea that were subcontracted by North Korea. According to Radio Free Asia, military experts this week reported that Hamas militants could be using North Korean weapons and said images of Palestinian fighters showed what appeared to be a rocket launcher expected outside North Korea. However, the DPRK’s refusal of any participation in the transaction is not the first time that the country that hosted a Palestinian founder until two years ago has refused to participate or any connection in the supply of weapons to the organization based in Loop. Additionally, in 2014, North Korea’s Foreign Ministry spokesman denied claims that Pyongyang supported an arms deal with Hamas and denied its responsibility for producing a Hezbollah rocket attack on Israel in 2006.

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The latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict reportedly began this weekend with a surprise attack by Hamas, the deadliest by Palestinian militants in Israel’s history. Thank you for being a patient reader.

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