Optical illusion intelligence test: only a genius can find the car with the side mirror missing in 9 seconds

Ready to test your observation skills? Try this optical illusion! It will challenge your eyesight and test your ability to detect even the smallest details. This illusion will also help determine if you have above average intelligence.

If you’re not familiar with these tests, you may be wondering what optical illusions are all about. Optical illusions are intriguing images that can perplex your mind and cause you to perceive things differently than they really are. These images can create illusions of objects that don’t exist or hide crucial details that you would normally notice.

Take this test and determine if you have an above average IQ.

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Find the car with the side mirror missing

In this test, your task is to carefully study the optical illusion and find the strange one hidden among the numerous cars. Detecting the car without a side mirror is a task that only someone exceptionally intelligent can perform.

Grab your stopwatch and set it for nine seconds. Your challenge is to locate the rogue car without a side mirror hidden inside the optical illusion in the given time limit.

Optical Illusion IQ Test: Find the Car with the Side Mirror Missing
Josh Jagran


If you couldn’t find the hidden car, don’t worry; You are certainly not the only one. Here’s a hint: look closely at the cars in the illusion. You will find a car without a side mirror. Focus on the cars that are parked on the left side of the image. The only mirror missing from the image is on the left side of the car.

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If even with the clue you couldn’t locate the car, here is a clear view of the car hidden among the others in plain sight. Have a look:

Optical Illusion IQ Test: Find the Car with the Side Mirror Missing
Josh Jagran

Tell us if you were able to easily spot the strange one hidden in the optical illusion in the comments below.

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Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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