Pediatric nurse reveals the most ridiculous things men say in the delivery room

Giving birth truly is an experience like no other.

After going through the experience last year, I was completely amazed by what my body (and mind!) went through and have an even deeper appreciation for women than I thought possible.

After almost 15 hours of labor (and about three of them pushing), when my little one was born, I was equally amazed and exhausted.

While I had incredible support from my husband, three incredible midwives, and an encouraging obstetrician, unfortunately many women are not so lucky.

You’re kidding right?

Pediatric nurse Anna Pascarella blurted out the amazing comments she heard parents make in the delivery room, that if she heard them during labor, she would be signing the divorce papers along with the birth certificate.

From requests for an old-fashioned “husband stitch” (a controversial additional stitch during postpartum vaginal repair) to snarky comments about the appearance of her partner’s postpartum body, Pascarella shared a glimpse into the often surprising mindset and disconcerting for some parents.

In a TikTok video, Pascarella took on the role of these unsuspecting parents, mimicking their amazing comments word for word.

A pediatric nurse posted a TikTok describing the most absurd things she heard from men in delivery rooms. TikTok /

“Does it really hurt that much?” asked one, while another cruelly insisted: “No, no, no, she doesn’t need anything for the pain.”

Financial concerns also took center stage, with some parents balking at the cost of pre-delivery painkillers.

In one shocking case, a husband refused to pay an $8,000 (US$5,300) hospital bill, calling his wife’s choice of an epidural a “luxury.”

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The comments range from being rude to downright crazy. TikTok /

“When do you think she’s having the baby? Because I’m very hungry and I need to go get some food,” questioned the future father.

“Why it takes so long?” another complained.

One father felt the need to share the pain he was experiencing: “My back hurts a lot from sleeping in that chair so much.”

An expectant father insisted on answering his phone while his wife was in labor. TikTok /

There were complaints of women who were too “loud” or not giving their all, and one asked, “Are you really trying your hardest?” while his wife pushed and vomited.

And one father couldn’t let this call go to voicemail and told his baby’s mother, “I can’t hold your hand right now, I need to take this call. I’ll be right back”.

You have to go!

If I were one of the women in one of these scenarios, getting angry wouldn’t describe half of what I was feeling.

And if you were working in this environment, you might accidentally drop something very heavy on these dads’ feet when they weren’t looking!

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