Results of session 2 of BITSAT 2023 Cut-off notes, download of the list of merits

BITSAT Session 2 Result 2023 Cut Off Marks, Merit List The download link can be checked from this page. As you may know, the University Level Examination is organized annually to select qualified students for admission to various degree programs; Also this year, BITSAT Session 2 was successfully held from May 21, 2023 to June 22, 2023.

BITSAT Result 2023

Students who have attempted the paper are eager to know the results of BITSAT Session 2, which will be published soon on Therefore, this article is for aspirants who are looking to get updated with the latest updates on BITSAT Session 2 Result 2023 cut off marks and merit list download. Therefore, continue reading the post.

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BITSAT 2023 Session 2 Result

The Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, is the body that conducts the entrance examination. The reputed institution offers various degree courses to qualified candidates in Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, Science, Technology and Humanities. Many interested students have turned in the article.

The answer sheet verification is now underway and upon completion the student scorecard will be posted on the certified portal in pdf format.

At the moment, the supervisory authority has not issued any notice notifying the date of the result. Therefore, applicants should visit the authentic site more frequently to check the result date. If our estimate is correct, the results of the second session of BITSAT will be provisionally published in early August 2023.

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We will surely update you with the exact date after any announcement about the results is made. Aspirants can check their scorecard with the help of their login details such as roll number and date of birth. But our recommendation to students is to review the cut list first before checking the results online.

Steps to verify the result of session 2 of BITSAT 2023

The steps mentioned below need to be calculated on your device to download the BITSAT 2023 Session 2 result.

  • Click on the official BITSAT link that we provide at the end.
  • Also, click on the BITSAT 2023 Session 2 Outcome link on the home page.
  • Log in to the portal by entering the application number, date of birth, password and security pin.
  • Tap the submit option once you have completed filling.
  • Finally, check out the BITSAT 2023 session 2 result.
  • Download and print it for future counseling sessions.

BITSAT Session 2 Deadline 2023

The authorities will soon release the minimum marks required to be eligible for admission on the authentic portal. Aspirants should note that the BITSAT Session 2 deadline 2023 will be released differently for each course and for different campuses taking the entrance exam. Those candidates who score more than or equal to the cut-off list will be eligible to participate in the counseling session. To give you a basic idea, we have prepared the expected cut list by campus and by course. Check it out.

Course BITS Pilani Court BITS Limit in Hyderabad BITS Limit in Goa
mechanical Engineering 297 – 305 267-272 265-273
Electronic Engineering and Instrumentation 323-328 290-294 291-294
Electricity and electronic 330 – 335 305-310 303-308
civil Engineering 252 – 260 240 – 254
Computer science and engineering 370-375 370-375 345-350
Chemical engineering 270-275 247-252 245-250
B. Pharmaceutical. 203 – 195 161 – 160
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The cut list that we have shown here is prepared by analyzing the various factors that are discussed in detail in the next stanza. Also, keep in mind that this is not the actual court list, and you should definitely check out the actual court list revealed by the authorities soon.

Factors Affecting BITSAT Session 2 Limit in 2023

The cut list for each year is different as it depends on changing factors such as:

  • Number of applicants who attempted the job
  • paper difficulty level
  • Number of seats available for admission
  • Previous Year BITSAT Session 2 Deadline 2023

BITSAT 2023 Session 2 Merit List

The publication of the BITSAT 2023 Session 2 Marit list will take place shortly after the results. Candidates should note that a separate list is prepared for B Pharma and other courses. It is prepared based on the student’s performance in the written exam. After posting on the certified portal, students can download the list using their login details.

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The Merit list will contain the rank held by the students in the BITSAT 2023 entrance exam. Based on the ranks, the aspirants are invited for the counseling session. Whoever has a higher rank has a better chance of being admitted to the university of her choice. Sometimes it can happen that two applicants get the same score; In such cases the tiebreaker will be assessed. In it, the grades obtained in Biology and Mathematics for Pharmaceutical B. and Physics for other subjects will have preference.

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In our opinion, all necessary information about the outcome of BITSAT 2023 session 2 has been provided. If you want more, please let us know.

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