Retired Professor’s Moon Mission: Looking to Space to Send DNA, Hoping for Extraterrestrial Cloning

The existence of aliens remains a question; There are believers and non-believers in the existence of these otherworldly creatures. But a retired US professor not only believes in the existence of extraterrestrials but he also has a request for them. This is what we know.

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Who is the retired professor who wants to send his DNA to space?

kenneth ohm
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Kenneth Ohm, an 86-year-old retired American physics professor with a passion for astronomy, is preparing to send his DNA to the moon. He hopes that he will be discovered by a sophisticated extraterrestrial civilization.

When do you want to send your DNA to space?

dna in space
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When he dies, he intends to send his DNA to the Moon’s south pole, where it can one day be used for cloning. Kenneth Ohm aspired to be an astronaut, but NASA rejected him for being “too tall” during the height of the Apollo program in the 1960s. Undaunted, Ohm sought another means to realize his dream: he sent his ashes to the moon. .

Why do you want to do it?

According to the Kansas man, the possibilities of his strange suicidal wish coming true are limitless. He mentioned that his contribution could one day be critical in an interstellar zoo where the replica of him as a human specimen is kept. Ohm believes that, like the Republic Army in the Star Wars movies, he has a thousand cloned versions of himself, with a million more on the way. If this doesn’t happen, future generations might look at the moon and realize that “old Ken has his DNA up there, which is inspiration enough.”

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What has Ohm’s career been like so far?

Ohm has been a teacher for 50 years and the author of several books about the moon and life in the Midwest. He has contracted with Celestis, a Texas-based corporation that specializes in transporting debris and ash from Earth to space or to the south pole of the lunar surface. The cost of a one-way flight to the Moon is $12,500.

Ohm is not the only one who has this strange thought, according to the publication. Astronauts, civilians and professional baseball players have pledged to end their lives in orbit with Celestis.

Since its creation in 1994, the corporation has launched 17 commemorative space flights. On Christmas Eve, the company’s next lunar voyage leaves Cape Canaveral and lands on the northeastern edge of the moon, carrying the remains and DNA of FDNY Battalion Chief Daniel Conlisk and his wife, who died the year past.

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