SEE: The video of the prison of Carcel El Salvador ‘Mega prison’ in the repression of gangs in El Salvador

I started this blog with a viral video and now I am almost done with a viral video. It is now understood that the viral video is actually a serious matter and it is high time to take strict action against those people who share depressing and scary news through videos. There are no such bad things in video sharing but a person should be careful while posting online as they have to remember that everyone uses social media these days so it is better to know what to post or not to post. Now speaking of the viral video, the keyword used by users is “Video Carcel El Salvador”.

Video Prison Jail El Salvador

There are many people who haven’t seen this video yet but heard that chaos started with this video and they want to know what exactly is being shown in it and is making it go viral. For those who don’t know about El Salvador, let us tell you that it is famous for its high rate of gang violence, and the administration has been taking steps to address the problem. One of the latest actions is the creation of a mega-prison that has the capacity to house up to 2,000 prisoners. This controversial project generated a lot of rumors and made headlines in newspapers due to the release of the video showing the conditions inside the jail.

People are really showing interest in this project and want to know about it. After seeing this video, many people have questioned it and want to know all the close details of it. Other than that, the report states that the video in question was issued by the Salvadoran government and shows the interior of the newly built jail. The viral video reveals rows of similar cells along with bunk beds, a kitchen area and a central courtyard. The jail is built for notorious rival fan house members in different and separate cell blocks in an attempt to stop violent clashes. The viral video also shows inmates involved in activities like attending classes and playing basketball.

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Video Prison Jail El Salvador

Video ‘Mega Prison’ in repression of gangs in El Salvador

Now everyone must be thinking why this video has become controversial and what makes it the talk of the town. The posting of the video has generated controversy due to the large number of edits, raising questions about the true conditions and infrastructure inside the jail. Other than that, critics have also noted that the viral video only shows a small or particular part of the jail and thus it is difficult to understand all the prisoner facilities. To find out more, just connect with us and we’ll be back soon.

Video Prison Jail El Salvador

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