SEE: Video of Kuaron Harvey explained on Twitter, case update

A video is going viral on social media and deliberately attracts attention. Well, there is no doubt in stating that a serious scene has been captured in this video, which is why it is spreading like wildfire on social media. This isn’t the first time a viral video has made headlines, but each time it has left a profound impact. This time the video that is going viral is “Kuaron Harvey”. The subject of this Twitter video began trending on the web after startling and shocking revelations about his shooting and death case. By now you will surely have understood why this video is going viral and what kind of scene it has depicted in it.

Kuaron Harvey video explained on Twitter

The person who lost his life is Kuaron Harvey and a viral video shows the shooting case of the teenagers. Netizens are shocked by this news and want to know every detail of it. The issue involves social media users seeking to learn facts about the live shooting case. Kuaron Harvey was reportedly one of the victims of the shooting at Cupples Station Loft Apartments. Paris Harvey, 12, allegedly accidentally shot and killed her cousin, who is identified as 14-year-old Kuaron Harvey, and then killed herself on social media during the live broadcast.

kuaron harvey

The police became aware of the fact and went to the crime scene and confiscated the weapon used in the crime. Both the students and their families are traumatized because they do not believe that Kuaron lost his life at the hands of his cousin Paris. Investigation reports indicate that the motive behind the deadly shooting was not personal, in fact, it happened by accident. Paris had no intention of killing her cousin. The two were reportedly playing with the deadly weapon at her home.

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kuaron harvey

People are quite furious and accuse their parents of keeping these deadly weapons within reach of the victims. People criticize them for not taking care of such things as their negligence became the reason for the death of their own family member. People now pay homage to the departed and pray for the salvation of the soul. The police are still investigating the matter and it is not known what action they are planning. The shocking twist in this case is that the suspect allegedly shot her cousin accidentally and then repentantly committed suicide. Both died at the scene and their relatives are in mourning. It looks like a typical scene from a movie, but it actually happened and the crime video still exists online.

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