Split tongue, 72 body piercings and 20 body modifications: this Italian woman is looking to become a cat

A 22-year-old Italian woman with a staggering 20 body changes to transform into a cat has attracted attention on social media. In a world where self-expression can take many forms, she chose 20. Here is her story.

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Who is this woman?

20 Body Modifications Make a 22-Year-Old Italian Woman Look Like a Cat
Credit: Instagram

Chiara Dell’Abate, 22, also known as Aydin Mod, got her first piercing as a child and soon found her “feline ambitions” taking shape.

What did he do to “become” a cat?

According to the New York Post, Chiara Dell’Abate revealed that she wanted to transform into a cat and had undergone 20 physical changes in preparation. Aydin Mod has millions of views on the TikTok videos he made on the topic.

When did you plan to become a cat?

Dell’Abate shared his joy as a human cat in a conversation with Media Drum World. She revealed that she got her first piercing at the tender age of 11.

20 Body Modifications Make a 22-Year-Old Italian Woman Look Like a Cat
Credit: Instagram

How did he become a cat?

He currently has more than 72 piercings in his body. Her body has been modified with 1.6cm inner lip piercings, 0.8cm upper lip piercings, and pierced nostrils. She also has a split tongue. Dell’Abate commented, “I think she would make a great cat lady.”

Dell’Abate underwent cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin and fat from his eyelids, a procedure known as blepharoplasty.

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She has permanent eyeliner, eyebrow implants, pointy ears, eyeball tattoos, and claw-shaped nails.

20 Body Modifications Make a 22-Year-Old Italian Woman Look Like a Cat
Credit: Instagram

“It’s amazing how much you can alter the human body and the real potential of body modification,” Dell’Abate said.

“Since I don’t want to look like a cartoon character, I think becoming Catwoman is more appropriate for me.”

She continued: “I have always adored cats, and with the right body modifications, I think I will look extremely fierce and bold as a cat lady. I will need a cat eye lift or canthoplasty, a surgery to produce more elongated eyes and Naturally Almond Eyes: Teeth reshaping, upper lip trimming, and more fillers for a complete feline look.”

“I’ll put something called a transdermal on it, which is like a huge microdermal to put a tail on and more tattoos,” he continued.

“Any type of procedure hurts a lot, but I don’t think it’s a big deal because the pain is only temporary.”

20 Body Modifications Make a 22-Year-Old Italian Woman Look Like a Cat
Credit: Instagram

She believes a lot more work needs to be done to achieve the full feline look. “To achieve longer, naturally almond-shaped eyes, I will need a canthoplasty, or cat-eye lift, along with more fillers, teeth contouring, and an upper lip cut.”

In addition to all this, the 22-year-old also intends to cut her septum.

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Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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