The company allows you to name a junk car after your ex before it is destroyed

Valentine’s Day It’s a great time to celebrate the magic of love, give flowers to your loved ones, eat some cookies or a Dairy Queen and immerse yourself in a world of reds and pinks.

However, if you’re dealing with a broken heart, Valentine’s Day can be a heartbreaking reminder of everything you’ve lost.

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This company allows you to name a junkyard car after your ex

A UK-based company has decided to help people around the world get over their ex-partners |  Image: Junk Car Comparison
A UK-based company has decided to help people around the world get over their ex-partners | Image: Junk Car Comparison

Now, a UK-based company has come up with an innovative technique to help people around the world get over their exes by sending them straight to the trash. Talk about closing!

Scrap Car Comparison scraps thousands of cars every year, but this year they’ve decided to put them to good use and will name them after your ex. They’ll spray paint that bad ex’s name on a clunker, send a photo to commemorate the extremely important moment, and then toss that trash on the scrap heap.

The company wants to offer a unique opportunity to help those suffering from headaches.

Symbolically eliminating an ex will help people leave their sadness behind forever.
The company believes that symbolically eliminating an ex will help people leave their sadness behind forever | Image: Junk Car Comparison

The company behind this ingenious type of catharsis recently discovered a unique opportunity to help headache sufferers. “We scrapped a lot of vehicles, so it made sense to build something else this year,” Descart Car Comparisons chief operating officer David Kottaun said in a statement.

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“Unfortunately, most of us will have gone through a breakup at some point in our lives, and we understand how difficult it can be to recover and move on. We hope that offering this unique type of closure, symbolically removing an ex, will help people to leave his sadness behind forever.

How can you participate?

To participate in this fun fun, simply submit the name of the person to be “scrapped” (you can even suggest the bad guy who broke your sister’s heart!) on the Scrap Car Comparison website.

Nominations end on Valentine’s Day, so no matter how you feel about romance, there’s something to enjoy this year. Take a look at the website here.

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