The New Age: Enjoy your meal while AI robot waiters serve you at this Lucknow restaurant

Imagine sitting in a restaurant, filled with anticipation as you wait for the waiters to come and take your orders. But instead of the usual human staff, you will be greeted by robots who will attend to your needs.

That’s right, you heard it correctly. And the most exciting aspect? You don’t have to travel abroad to experience this technological marvel; is available right in the heart of Lucknow city.

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What is special about this restaurant in Jaipur?

Waiters equipped with AI robots at this Lucknow restaurant

Pioneer in culinary trends, ‘The Robot Restaurant – The Yellow House’ has made its debut in Lucknow. This innovative food establishment, hailing from Jaipur, proudly holds the title of Lucknow’s inaugural ‘Robot Restaurant’.

What sets it apart is the presence of two AI-powered robotic servers, affectionately named ‘Ruby’ and ‘Diva’.

How do robots interact with customers?

Waiters equipped with AI robots at this Lucknow restaurant

Ruby and Diva sport a striking yellow outfit, making them the distinctive waitresses of ‘The Robot Restaurant – The Yellow House’ located in Aliganj, Lucknow’s premier robotic dining destination.

These robotic servers have the ability to interact with customers. With the utmost courtesy, they mouth the phrase “Please excuse me” when they encounter obstacles while navigating your restaurant. Upon successfully delivering orders to the tables, they eloquently announce, “Your order has arrived.”

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Who is the brain behind the AI-powered dining experience?

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Aniket Srivastava is the brain behind this cutting-edge experience. He explained: “The robots are powered by an AI-based system meticulously crafted by our engineers. After just 2-3 hours of charging, they can effortlessly serve customers for more than 12 hours.”

He added: “Using a sophisticated remote sensing technique, we assign table numbers to the robots through a discreet tablet-like interface located on the back of these master mechanics. The robots then navigate seamlessly to the designated table, relying on Google’s cutting-edge navigation technology. If any obstacle obstructs their path, these robots exhibit remarkable grace by stopping instantly.”

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