‘The (other) deadly virus’: Maryland reports first travel-related death from tick-borne virus

In a tragic turn of events, Maryland reported its first death related to a tick-borne virus. This tragedy serves as a warning about the dangers of outdoor activities and the importance of protecting yourself from tick-borne diseases.

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What is the disease that Maryland has found?

The Maryland Department of Health reported the state’s first travel-related mortality from Powassan, a rare tick-borne infection.

According to the CDC, the Powassan virus is rare and is only transmitted from person to person in rare cases through blood transfusion. There are no vaccines or medications available to prevent or cure Powassan virus disease. Most cases in the United States occur from late spring to mid-fall, when ticks are most active.

Credit: CBS

“We are very saddened to report the first death due to Powassan virus in our state,” Maryland Public Health Services Undersecretary Nilesh Kalyanaraman said in the announcement.

“Powassan is extremely rare; this is the first case recorded in Maryland. The man was infected with the virus in Canada and then returned to Maryland. We do not believe Powassan poses a risk of local transmission in Maryland. As always, we urge everyone to practice good tick resistance habits or avoiding tick-infested areas,” Kalyanaraman added.

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While recorded cases are rare, they have increased in recent years, according to the CDC.

Where did you first come into contact with this disease?

According to officials, the man contracted the disease in Canada and then returned to Maryland. On September 22, authorities confirmed for the first time the presence of the infected tick bite.

How many cases have been reported in 2023?

Credit: The Hill

As of Oct. 3, the CDC identified nine more states with confirmed cases of the disease in 2023, up from 28 confirmed cases this year.

The Maryland instance still needed to be listed in the CDC database. New York had six cases, Massachusetts five, Maine and Connecticut four each, Minnesota three, Wisconsin and New Hampshire two each, and Rhode Island and Pennsylvania one.

The CDC recorded 44 cases in 2022, up from 24 cases in 2021. Each year since 2016, more than 20 cases have been documented.

Over the previous decade, the number of cases per year generally remained in the single digits, never exceeding 16 cases.

How can you avoid contact with ticks?

Credit: USA Today

Avoiding wooded and brushy locations with dense grass and leaf litter will reduce the risk of encountering ticks. When you return from possibly tick-infested places, including your yard, perform a full body check. Ticks can be found in the following places on your body and your child’s body:

  • under the arm
  • Ears and surrounding areas
  • inside the navel
  • Knees in the back
  • In the hair and around the hair.
  • between the thighs
  • around the waist
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Many people infected with the Powassan virus do not have symptoms. The initial symptoms of people who suffer from them include fever, headache, vomiting and weakness.

Powassan virus can potentially cause serious illnesses, such as infections of the brain (encephalitis) or of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). Confusion, loss of coordination, slurred speech, and seizures are symptoms of a serious illness.

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Source: vtt.edu.vn

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