The Rockefeller Brothers Fund finances pro-Palestinian groups, at least one organization that Israel calls “terrorist”

Pro-Palestinian groups, like those who spread hate during the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree this week, have been generously funded by the main charitable arm of the Rockefeller family.

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has ties to two groups that the Israeli government designated as “terrorist organizations,” a review of public records by The Post shows.

Founded in 1940, the famous clan’s $1.3 billion fund, of which Justin, Wyatt and David Rockefeller Jr. sit on the board, has disbursed more than $2.6 million since 2018, directly or indirectly, to at least six anti-Israel organizations, several of which openly celebrated the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 against the Jewish state.

The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, whose logo was attached to an advertisement promoting Wednesday’s demonstration, is a “fiscally sponsored project” of the nonprofit Alliance for Global Justice.

Pro-Palestinian protesters at the “Flood the Lighting Tree for Gaza” protest near the Rockefeller Center tree lighting ceremony on November 29, 2023. James Keivom

In August 2022, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund donated $100,000 to the Alliance.

Israel designated Samidoun a terrorist organization in February 2021 and Germany banned it last month.

Samidoun, founded in 2011, condemned the United Kingdom in 2021 for classifying Hamas as a terrorist organization and applauded the October 7 terrorist raid:

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund is financing several pro-Palestinian groups. fake images

“Resistance is increasing throughout occupied Palestine. . . “Confront the occupier by land and air, take control of Palestinian land, seize occupation settlers and soldiers, and launch thousands of missiles as Palestinian resistance forces fight to advance the return and liberation of Palestine,” Samidoun said on the day Hamas terrorists massacred more than 1,200 people. Israeli civilians.

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The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given at least $215,000 to Defense For Children International-Palestine, according to its website and IRS tax forms.

The Israeli government declared the group a terrorist organization in October 2021.

Undeterred, the fund awarded a new $50,000 grant to the organization in 2022.

“Unfortunately, it’s about reaping what you sow. They were probably fine with these rabid, leftist groups protesting other people,” said Councilman Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island). “The lesson we can all learn from this is that the woke left is not our friend.”

The fund awarded at least $490,000 in “general support” to Jewish Voice for Peace, according to public grant disclosures on its website from 2019.

Rockefeller Center’s Christmas lighting was disrupted this week by pro-Hamas protesters. Getty Images The Rockefeller Brothers Fund defended its donations, citing its commitment to DEI. fake images

Despite its name, the group is a notorious anti-Israel organization and a front for mainstreaming anti-Semitic ideas, critics say.

A rally in Grand Central organized by the group in October led to more than 300 arrests.

“Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel and anti-Zionist activist group that advocates for the boycott of Israel and the eradication of Zionism. JVP does not represent the mainstream Jewish community, which it considers intolerant because of its association with Israel,” according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The group has been banned by Columbia University for repeatedly holding “threatening” events on campus, the school said last month.

Many of the groups funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund have openly expressed their support for Hamas terrorism. James Keivom

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The fund has also donated at least $515,000 to The Tides Center, earmarked specifically to support Palestine Legal, a pro-Palestinian advocacy group, records show. The nonprofit organization announced the October 7 attacks as “one of the most significant acts of Palestinian resistance.”

“There is no equivalence – moral or otherwise – between Israel’s nearly eight decades of relentless colonial violence and the resistance it has engendered,” Palestine Legal said on October 10.

“It is the height of irony that the Rockefeller Foundation supports the anti-Israel Tides Foundation, funded by Soros, and many other anti-Semitic groups attacking Israel, who are now staging ugly, disgusting and vile displays of Jew-hatred at the event of the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center,” said Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America. “Just desserts, I say.”

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund also sent at least $710,000 to the Adalah Justice Project and $605,000 to the Middle East Policy Network (also known as Al-Shabaka).

Both organizations celebrated the October 7 Hamas attacks in public statements.

The fund defended the grants and noted that it also donated to larger Israeli groups, such as J-Street and the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem.

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“We categorically reject any assertion that our grantee organizations support, materially or ideologically, acts of terrorism,” said spokeswoman Sarah Edkins. “Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion of people of all races, ethnicities and genders is fundamental to our mission, and RBF is deeply concerned about signs of rising anti-Semitism.”

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Edkins added: “The Fund’s only relationship with the Alliance for Global Justice is as a fiscal sponsor of a beneficiary of our Sustainable Development program, South Bronx Unite.”

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