Trump Lawyers Claim Prosecutor Fani Willis ‘Stoked Racial Animosity’ With Public Speech

Donald Trump’s lawyers do not believe District Attorney Fani Willis’ claims that she was not referring to defendants in the Georgia voter fraud case during her public speech about “playing the race card.”

Willis claimed in explosive court papers Friday, in which she admitted to having an affair with Trump’s top prosecutor, Nathan Wade, that her Jan. 14 comments about being the target of racial attacks were not directed at Trump, her co-defendants. or the case against him.

But on Wednesday Trump’s lawyers responded, saying the denial is “absurd and false at best, and a blatant lie at worst.”

Willis’ public statement “intentionally and in bad faith injected race, religion and politics into the case and stoked racial animus,” Trump’s team wrote, echoing their previous arguments seeking to oust the district attorney from the prosecution.

Willis publicly addressed allegations for the first time that she should be disqualified for hiring and dating Wade, saying, “They only attacked one,” the prosecutor in the case. “The first thing they say is, ‘Oh, now she’s going to play the race card.’

“But no God, aren’t they the ones playing the race card when they only question one?” she said of the fact that she and Wade, both black, were the only ones on the prosecution team accused of misconduct.

Donald Trump’s lawyers do not believe that District Attorney Fani Willis did not refer to the defendants in his election fraud case during her speech about “pulling the race card.” REUTERS Willis’ office claimed on Friday when she gave the Jan. 14 speech that she was being racially targeted with allegations of misconduct that did not refer to Trump, his lawyers, his co-defendants or the criminal case against them. AP

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Trump’s co-defendant, Mike Roman, was the first to call out the duo for their alleged “clandestine” relationship, alleging that Willis hired an allegedly underqualified Wade at an unusually high salary and then reaped the benefits of that salary when Wade allegedly hired her. invited to a fancy holiday.

Wade’s open divorce case was simultaneously in the spotlight when his ex-wife, Joycelyn Wade, argued that he was spending money on Willis while she was unable to support herself. The Wades have since reached a temporary divorce agreement.

Willis’ office said Friday that there was nothing illegal about their relationship, they alternated vacation pay and both had separate finances.

“I’m a little confused. I appointed three special counsels, as is my right to do so,” Willis said during last month’s speech. “They’re only attacking one of them,” she said, without mentioning the defendants.

On Friday, Willis admitted to having a relationship with lead prosecutor Nathan Wade, a fact that Trump’s defendants say should disqualify her from the case. AP

“Some will never consider a black man qualified, no matter his accomplishments.”

After Trump’s lawyers first accused Willis of racial bias, his office responded Friday, saying that her statements “do not reference this case or these defendants” and that there is no evidence that she “was motivated to treat Willis.” [Trump] differently because of race, gender, or any other inappropriate reason.”

But Trump’s team said “who else would the DA repeatedly and predominantly be referring to in her use of the words ‘they’ and ‘them’ and ‘themselves’ other than the defendants in disparaging and condemning their defense attorneys,” the file reads.

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Trump’s co-defendant, Mike Roman, first raised the explosive misconduct allegations against Willis last month while seeking to have criminal charges against him dropped. Fulton County

Trump’s side claims the comments, made out of court, were unethical and are grounds for his disqualification and the case against the real estate mogul to be dismissed.

A hearing is scheduled for Feb. 15 for oral arguments on Roman and Trump’s motions to dismiss criminal racketeering charges against them and remove Willis from the case.

Roman’s side has issued subpoenas for Willis and Wade’s testimony at that hearing, but Willis’ office indicated Friday that they will try to prevent public testimony and ask that the hearing be canceled altogether.

“Our filing convincingly argues that, contrary to the district attorney’s response, Georgia law authorizes and mandates the disqualification of the district attorney for his extrajudicial comments in violation of his special ethical responsibilities as a prosecutor,” the attorney said. of Trump, Steve Sadow, in a statement.

A spokesman for the district attorney’s office declined to comment Wednesday.

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