Trump leads Biden in six swing states with or without third parties: survey

According to a new poll, former President Donald Trump leads President Biden in six of seven battleground states, regardless of whether third-party candidates are included in the poll.

The Republican presidential primary front-runner leads the Democratic incumbent by one to nine percentage points in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona and North Carolina, according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll released Thursday. .

In Michigan, Trump and Biden were tied at 43% each.

All of those states, with the exception of North Carolina, narrowly won Biden, 80, in 2020.

The six states represent 78 electoral votes. In 2020, Trump, 77, lost the Electoral College to Biden, 306-232. A candidate must receive 270 Electoral College votes to win the presidency.

In each state, the poll showed that independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West moved voters away from supporting Trump or Biden in nearly equal proportions.

Five of the six swing states narrowly won Biden in the 2020 election.AP

In Georgia, Trump led Biden by nine points (43% to 34%) with third-party candidates included and by seven points (48%-41%) without them. RFK Jr. receives 10% support in the Peach State, and West 1%.

In Pennsylvania, Trump wins by three points in both a head-to-head matchup (47% to 44%) and a contest with West and Kennedy Jr. in the picture (Trump 41%, Biden 38%, Kennedy 8%, West 1 %).

In Wisconsin, Trump wins by one point without the independents (47% to 46%) and by two points with them (Trump 38%, Biden 36%, Kennedy 13%, West 2%).

Joe BidenBiden leads Trump by 1 point in Michigan, according to the poll.REUTERS

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In Nevada, Trump wins by three points head-to-head (46% to 43%) and four points with third-party options presented (Trump 39%, Biden 35%, Kennedy 11%, West 1%).

In Arizona, Trump wins by four points in both scenarios; 46% to 42% head to head and 40% to 36% in a four way fight with Kennedy getting 11% and West getting 1%.

In North Carolina, Trump wins by nine points in both the head-to-head race (48% to 39%) and the four-way race (Trump 42%, Biden 33%, Kennedy 9%, West 2%).

Michigan, where 16 electoral college votes are at stake, is the only state where Biden comes out ahead with Kennedy and West in the mix, the poll shows.

The incumbent leads the GOP front-runner in the Great Lakes state by one percentage point (Biden 38%, Trump 37%, Kennedy 10%, West 2%).

The results are consistent with polls released earlier this week by the New York Times/Siena College and Emerson College that show Biden failing to get the support he needs in states where he needs it most.

The Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll was conducted online between Oct. 30 and Nov. 7. It surveyed 800 registered voters in Arizona, 803 in Georgia, 700 in Michigan, 437 in Nevada, 702 in North Carolina, 805 in Pennsylvania and 675 in Wisconsin.

The margin of error in the respective polls was plus or minus three percentage points in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania; four percentage points in Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin, and five percentage points in Nevada.

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