UK student sings ‘Jai Siya Ram’ and touches teacher’s feet during convocation

At the convocation ceremony held recently at the University of Leicester In the United Kingdom, a student was reported to have touched his teacher’s feet and chanted “Jai Siya Ram.”

This event, based on Indian tradition, brought a sense of diversity and inclusion to the occasion, illustrating the varied cultural fabric within the academic community. The overall message, according to the tweet accompanying the video, was “Be proud of your heritage, values ​​and culture.”

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What happened during the convocation ceremony?

During the convocation ceremony at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, a student in a convocation gown and cap surprised onlookers.
During the convocation ceremony at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, a student in a gown and convocation cap surprised spectators | Image: X

During the convocation ceremony at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, a student wearing the convocation cap and gown surprised spectators after touching his teacher’s feet and singing “Jai Siya Ram.”

This traditional Indian custom, which symbolizes deep respect and gratitude, was received with a combination of surprise and applause from the audience, as not everyone was familiar with the cultural significance of the gesture.

The 'Jai Siya Ram' chant, associated with reverence for Lord Ram, added a spiritual dimension to the event.
The ‘Jai Siya Ram’ chant, associated with reverence for Lord Ram, added a spiritual dimension to the event | Image: X

The ‘Jai Siya Ram’ chant, associated with reverence for Lord Ram, added a spiritual dimension to the event. The caption accompanying the video shared by Leicester, United Kingdom.”

Be proud of your roots, values ​​and culture: a student touches the teacher’s feet and sings ‘Jai Siya Ram’ at the convocation ceremony in Leicester, UK

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— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates) January 25, 2024

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