Unraveling the Mystery: Clarifying the Purpose of the Glossy and Dull Sides of Aluminum Foil

Have you ever wondered why aluminum foil has a shiny side and a dull side? No? I wasn’t either, but now I am, and if you are, don’t worry because I have the solution.

Think about the last time you wrapped leftovers (or completely covered your roommate’s room) in aluminum foil. You may remember that one side is brighter than the other. But why is this so?

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Why does one side of the aluminum foil shine and the other not?


Well, it turns out there isn’t much difference between the two sides, and they both serve the same purpose, so take your pick.

However, if there is no difference, you may wonder why they appear to be different; According to Mike Mazza, marketing director at US company Reynolds Wrap, it all comes down to how the film is created.

“Regardless of which side, they both do the same job of cooking, freezing and storing food,” he told Today. It doesn’t matter which side of the aluminum foil you use. “The sheet manufacturing process is responsible for the difference between the dull and shiny appearance.”

Why are both sides different from aluminum foil?

“In the last lamination step, two layers of film are passed through the laminator simultaneously.” The side that comes into contact with the mill’s highly polished steel rollers shines.

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The opposite side, which did not come into contact with the heavy rollers, has an opaque or matte surface.” “The ‘opaque’ side is where the sheet comes into contact with another layer,” he explained.

“The ‘shiny’ side is the side that has not come into contact with another sheet of metal.” Regardless of which side you use, the foil works the same.”

How to use the right side?

That is, the only “proper” side you can use is the one you prefer. Personally, I prefer the boring side, so I don’t find myself grabbing leftovers straight from the refrigerator, but to each their own.

While all of the above is true for regular aluminum foil, including the one you no doubt have in your kitchen drawer, there is a slight difference when it comes to “non-stick” aluminum foil. If you use non-stick aluminum foil, be sure to use the non-stick side, for reasons I hope are clear.

There you have it; However, I’m curious as to why we call it aluminum foil in the UK, even though it is made up of aluminium. I’m going back down the rabbit hole.

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Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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