Video of dog balancing three glasses of water goes viral

Social media is a veritable mine of entertainment, with many videos produced every day that range from how-to to just plain funny.

Among the vast amount of content, animal videos reign supreme, captivating hearts with their charming and often funny activities.

A viral video making waves on social media shows a canine exhibiting surprisingly human-like behavior.

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Dog balances three glasses of water

Video of dog balancing three glasses of water goes viral
The dog carefully balances three cups of water | Image: Instagram

Known for their intelligence and trainability, dogs are commonly used for a variety of tasks, including security roles.

However, in this video circulating on the Internet, a dog demonstrates its skills in a cleaning task. The video shows the dog carefully balancing three cups of water, presumably ready to give them to his owner.

What happens in the video?

Video of dog balancing three glasses of water goes viral
The dog holds a wooden board in his mouth, with a glass of water on each side and a third glass on top of his head | Image: Instagram

In the video, the dog holds a wooden board in his mouth, with a glass of water on either side and a third glass on top of his head. The dog moves around the stage with astonishing precision and composure, maintaining perfect balance and control to avoid spills.

The image of the canine effortlessly maneuvering its load has captivated viewers, prompting an avalanche of laughing and admiring emojis in the comments section.

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Some viewers even joke about replacing their human helpers with such capable canine friends for household activities, imagining a more cost-effective alternative to traditional support.

How did people react on the Internet?

However, amidst laughter and acclaim, voices of concern arise that question the ethics of training animals for activities other than their natural behaviors.

Some readers express concern that the dog has been coerced or used to gain fame on social media, raising legitimate concerns about possible cases of animal cruelty.

Finally, while the film offers a beautiful moment of laughter and amazement at the dog’s extraordinary abilities, it also invites us to reflect on the ethical implications of animal training and exploitation for entertainment purposes.

Watch the adorable viral video here.

See this post on Instagram

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