Video of Vancouver Starbucks stabbing surfaced on Twitter: Indian man Inderdeep Gosal fatally stabs man

The shock waves came from Vancouver, Canada, where a fatal stabbing incident occurred on Sunday, March 26, 2023. A person reportedly fatally stabbed another person Sunday night in Vancouver in front of a Starbucks coffee. This news went viral when a video of this fatal stabbing appeared on social media. There’s video of the Vancouver stabbing on Twitter and it’s doing a lot of rounds there. Therefore, a large number of people are frantic to learn about the “Vancouver stabbing video on Twitter”. However, we have answered each and every one of the imperative questions related to this news. In the following sections of this column, we have discussed all the things you need to know. You will not need to search any web page on the same thing anymore if you follow this till the end. Please stay with this page and review all sections below on this page. Scroll down the page.

Vancouver Twitter stabbing video

Vancouver Twitter stabbing video

First of all, let’s introduce the suspect and victim of the stabbing incident. The suspect who stabbed a man to death outside Starbucks Cafe at West Pender and Granville Street on Sunday is identified as an Indian man named Inderdeep Singh Gosal, while the victim was identified as 37-year-old Paul Stanley Schmidt. Kindly drag down the page and read more details.

After preliminary investigation, it was found that Inderdeep Singh Gosal stabbed Paul Stanley due to an altercation between them. The victim Paul Stanley was 37 years old while the suspect Inderdeep Singh Gosal is 32 years old. Vancouver police arrested the suspect and charged him with second degree murder. Talking about the video of this incident was recorded by people present at the scene on Sunday night. The video shows the victim lying in a pool of blood and the suspect taken into custody by police.

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Vancouver Police Sergeant Steve Addison said: “We believe this homicide was witnessed by dozens of bystanders, and there may be people with information who have not yet come forward. In particular, we want to hear from anyone present in the moments before the stabbing, or anyone who has cell phone video of the incident.” According to police, the suspect was detained at the crime scene. While the victim was taken to a hospital where he succumbed to puncture wounds from him. Stay tuned to this website for more details and updates.

Vancouver Twitter stabbing video

Categories: Biography

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