VIDEO: They catch a young man trying to get into a car through the back window at UNAH

A video went viral on social networks that captures how a young woman tries to enter through the back window of an expensive paila type.

The event happened at the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) and was captured by the user celeste.estrada_hn on TikTok.

“Things that only happen at UNAH,” the user wrote on her account when publishing the video on her account.

In the video, the young woman is seen doing everything possible to get into the car, pushing her body backwards to gain momentum and achieve her goal.

The publication, which only lasts 20 seconds, shows the effort of the young woman who does not give up to achieve what she wants, even if it seems impossible to achieve it.

At the end of the video, it is not seen if the young woman was able to get out of the car, but the user assured that she did, but not in that way.

This was because she was trying to get in that way because she had left the car keys inside and, to avoid paying a locksmith or a person who helped her, she climbed through the window and in the end, managed to reach the keys with her feet.

“This small part is called happiness,” is heard in the audio of the publication, which achieved more than 10 thousand views and several comments.

“This is how Olanchans are born”, “hahaha no”, “What a laugh”, are some comments in the video.

Read: ‘That’s why they killed so much’: Honduran mother reproaches her son for not working in what he graduated from

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