Video uploaded by Flor Vigna, why is Luciano Castro mentioned in the recording?

The video that Flor Vigna uploaded to her social networks caused controversy on social networks and the reaction of Sabrina Rojas, Luciano Castro’s ex.

The video that Flor Vigna uploaded on her social networks, she uploaded with a video where she is seen in a very committed moment with her partner.

And the Argentine model uploaded to her Instagram story, a moment that many classified as risqué.

Because in the material you can see how the hand of Luciano Castro, who is her partner, ends up under Flor Vigna’s skirt.

See this post on Instagram

Although the actress mentioned that she uploaded them, the part of the video was wrong, apologizing in her stories.

It was all before this show, I was very nervous. Luchito was on tour and I was dying of love, I missed him a lot. I wanted to upload the video that I show, but cut the part that wasn’t there… I don’t know why, by mistake, only that part was uploaded at the end

The reason for the separation was because each one had different life plans, leaving only their children in common.

Sabrina reacted to Flor Vigna’s video with the following:

“It’s good that sometimes I think, Flor, who is the one who uploads the photo, that’s why I point out to Flor, that there are two children, that there is a 10-year-old girl who is not good for her dad to see putting his hands on the girlfriend,” he mentioned. the actress.

See this post on Instagram

However, Castro did not provide statements regarding the situation, leaving only the comments of the media on the subject of show business.

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