Viral: After MBA and B-Tech Chai Walas, a new ‘Chai-GPT’ is what haunts the internet

You’ve probably heard of the MBA Chai Wala or the B-Tech Chai Wala before, but this is something else entirely.

GPT CHAT is the new viral topic on all social networking sites, and so are they when talking about viral videos. Whether it’s AI images, GPT chat, or anything else, they’re plentiful on the internet. Also, many people are experimenting with AI chatbots these days to see what they can achieve, but recently a viral post had everyone stumped, and it is about Chai GPT. Yes, you read it right.

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Silicon Valley: We Have The Best Startup IdeasIndian Tea Shops: Hold My Tea

—SwatKat💃 (@swatic12) May 17, 2023

The Chai GPT is the focus of this viral post. You’ve probably heard of the MBA Chai Wala or the B-Tech Chai Wala before, but this is something else entirely. Apart from all this, a chaiwala has come up with a new marketing strategy to adapt to the changing environment. In the announcement, a tea stall owner has titled his business with something unusual and innovative: Chai GPT. The tea vendor’s sign is causing quite a stir on all social media platforms and reads, “Chai GPT: Genuinely Pure Tea.”

Interestingly, while sharing this popular post, the Chai provider GPT included the description: “Silicon Valley – We have the best startup ideas for Indian tea shops. Hold on for my tea.” As soon as the viral post went viral on the internet, it got a huge number of likes and a lot of comments from online users.

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One user wrote: “‘Genuinely Pure” is just another variant of “Bharosha rakh Bhai”. Another person commented: “Arey Chaat wale kahaan gaye ChaatGPT sahi hota.” “Why call it ChaiGPT when you can call it GPTea?” commented the third.

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