What does Praeter Intentionem mean? definition and example

Today in this article, we are going to discuss what is Praeter Intentionem and what does it mean. There are many people wondering what is the correct meaning of Praeter Intentionem and where is it used? As many people are showing their curiosity to learn the meaning of Praeter Intentionem, we think that it should be explained in an understandable way, since it needs an example to be understood. That is why we urge you to stay with this page and you should review all of the following sections of this article. In the following sections, you will be able to read about Praeter Intentionem and understand the Guingona Law and its impact on society. Scroll down the page and take a look below.

What does Praeter Intentionem mean?

The simplest and shortest definition of Praeter Intentionem is “to have a more detrimental result than intended”. According to the Revised Penal Code, there is no intent to commit such a serious wrong. The term Praeter Intentionem manifested itself in the People vs. Ural case in which it was shown that the appellant Ural had no intent to kill Napola. According to the proven facts, Napola died under the extenuating circumstance of understanding that the offender committed the crime without intent of such a serious offense. Scroll down the page and read more details about it.

Praeter Intentionem Definition and Example

Speaking of the People vs Ural case, Ural’s intention was only to mistreat Napola, not kill him. He did this annoying act when he was drunk inside the holding cell. But after realizing his mistake and the repercussions of his criminal act, Ural took the victim (Nepola) to get medical treatment at the dispensary. This incident dates back to March 27, 1974. Scroll down the page and read the example to better understand Praeter Intentionem.

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Let’s take an example and try under the term “Praeter Intentionem”. When Person A always meets Person B in the presence of many people. that’s why Person B once lost his temper. Person A solid interpretation of Praeter Intentionem in Thomas Aquinas is necessary to understand his concept of intention, his broader description of moral responsibility, and his general theory. That’s all for now on Praeter Intentionem (having a more detrimental result than intended). Stay tuned to this website for more details and updates.

Categories: Biography
Source: tit.edu.vn

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