What happened to Ankit Bagai? Germantown MD Body of missing man found dead in lake

Today, we are going to share with you some very sad and shocking news. This news has caused a great impact on people. This news is going viral on the internet. This news is circulating on all social media platforms. The missing body of a Germantown man was found in Lake. This is a very heartbreaking case. This news has caused a great impact on his family and friends. This was completely unexpected. Now people want to know about the man who was missing and about the whole case. People also want to know the cause of his death. So, our sources have given us a lot of information about the man and now we will give you each and every detail about him and we will also tell you the cause of death of him.

What happened to Ankit Bagai? Germantown MD

Ankit Bagai was the man who went missing on April 9, 2023 at around 11:30 am. He was 30 years old. He disappeared as he was leaving a treatment center near Milestone Plaza. After that he didn’t come to his house for almost 5 hours. So, at that moment, his family began to worry about him. His family began searching for him and they believed he might have been in DC or Virginia.

Ankit Bagai Germantown MD

Ankit Bagai was an Indian who was born in Maryland and used to reside in Maryland. After a long time, his family filed a disappearance case at the police station. The police were looking for him but he was missing. But on April 19, 2023, Wednesday, his body was found in Churchill Lake, located in Maryland. Officers responded to the body in the water in the Summersong Lanes area around 8am Wednesday April 19, 2023. His family is in complete shock. They are crying very badly. The chief medical examiner confirmed that this is Bagai’s body.

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Ankit Bagai Germantown MD

The police are investigating this case. His cause of death has not yet been identified. It is unknown how he died. But this is a well-planned murder. The police are looking for these murderers. They will soon be identified. Police officers are checking all CCTV cameras that are near Churchill Lake. All of this information was released by the Montgomery County Police Department. Ankit Bagai died at a very young age. May his soul rest in peace. Not much information has been revealed about this case yet. Soon we will share more information about this case until then stay tuned with us.

Ankit Bagai Germantown MDAnkit Bagai Germantown MD

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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