What is the difference between eCOA and ePRO?

What is this used for?

Companies like Clinical Ink provide patients with a secure data program where they can feel ownership of their health-related information. There are different results related to the information provided by the patient. These are known as electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO) or electronic clinical outcome assessments (eCOA).

Read on in this article to discover the differences between the two and the qualities each has that can help patients with their health information in the future.

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The differences

Electronic patient-reported results, also known as ePRO, are patient-provided information regarding side effects, symptoms, medication timing, or health questions that are then recorded on a device electricity throughout its clinical trial.

The technology required to collect information from ePRO can be found in application form. The good news is that it can be downloaded on any device, such as an Apple or Android product. If you choose to use this format, many of the ePRO providers will have the technology you need pre-loaded into the application. This makes it easy for the user to navigate right from the start. With ePRO technology, the user can record their responses to clinical trial questions. Depending on the app you choose, some offer the user the opportunity to take videos or photos through the app to provide additional context. Like other apps, these apps contain features that will help with patient compliance. For example, reminder alarms throughout the day to help enable your response times.

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Similarly, another common term related to ePRO is eCOA, also known as clinical outcome assessments. It is used to refer to ePRO, but can also be thought of as another term for electronically recorded patient results. So what is the difference? The difference between eCOA and ePRO is that ePRO is a type of eCOA. Both work together to help clinical trial patients use technology to send their symptoms and experiences directly to sites and staff.

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How are they useful?

Today it is reported that more than a quarter of clinical trials use patient-reported outcomes, such as ePRO, digitally. This is important to the healthcare industry, as getting patient-reported outcomes means it improves understanding of how treatment is working and what future treatments patients might need. They also have doctors on site to measure the quality of life of these patients and increase their knowledge of other things, such as pain symptoms.

According to eCOA Clinical Science and Consulting eCOA company ERT Vice President Sarah Dallabrida: “As more and more drugs enter the market, what we really need to understand are the patient impacts and patient profiles of those drugs.” She went on to explain how the eCOA can lend itself to helping identify how the next drug delivery will be helpful to the patient.

Why use ePRO over the paper format?

When you think about it, almost every aspect of our daily life can be experienced online. For this reason, patient-reported electronic outcomes are not yet as common as one might think. In 2014, more than half of clinical trials were still using the paper format. The ePRO industry expects to grow 15% by 2025. So why should people turn to ePRO?

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Part of the reason for this is the savings you can help with. If you are using ePRO, in some cases it might involve some upfront costs. Technology, in general, has the potential to save costs in the future. Using an electronic ePRO instead of paper costs means it can help save money in the long run. Also, with trials using ePRO, fewer participants are needed. There is less room for mistakes than in paper forms. Previous studies have shown that ePRO has room for more accurate results, although each test has its own budget and figures, so it can differ from situation to situation.

Thinking of the technological world in which we live, it seems more necessary for patients to have an ePRO electronic diary. It is the most efficient and environmentally friendly option.

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Categories: Technology
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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