Who is George Magoha’s wife, Odudu Barbara? Family of children and net worth before death

Currently, the Magoha family is mourning the death of George Magoha. George Magoha reportedly passed away on Tuesday, January 24, 2023. Ever since the news of his death surfaced on the internet, he is sending shockwaves to the people of Kenya as he was a prominent personality of his county. He had a large following throughout his country. Meanwhile, the people of Kenya take over the internet and search for the cause of death of him. In addition, some are also flipping through the pages of his personal life and looking for George Magoha’s wife and son. Who is George Magoha’s wife? We have discussed all about her family in the following sections. Follow this article to the end. Drag down the page. Follow more updates on PKBNews

Jorge Magoha

Who is George Magoha’s wife, Odudu Barbara?

First of all let us introduce you to George Magoha, he was a Kenyan consultant surgeon, technocrat and academic leader. In addition, he had also been a professor of surgery at Maseno University College of Medicine since January 2023 in Kisumu County, western Kenya. George Albert Omore Magoha also held the position of Cabinet Secretary for Education of Kenya. For three years, George Magoha also served as the Chairman of the Kenya National Examination Council. He drags down the page and reads and learns what happened to him.

Since the news of George Magoha’s death appeared on the Internet, it is trending on the Internet. His followers are curious to know what was the cause of his death. His family testified that George Magoha collapsed at his home after suffering a heart attack. He was immediately rushed to a Nairobi hospital, but he could not survive the heart attack and passed away. The actual cause of death for George Magoha is related to a heart attack. Many are also eager to learn about his wife, son, and family. Please take a look at the next section and read the information.

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George Magoha was reportedly married to his wife Odudu Barbara Magoha. George and Barbara also shared a son named Michael Magoha. Prof. Magoha graduated from DR Livingstone Elementary School and Starehe Center and School for Children. He completed his Medical Degree at Strathmore College. As far as we know, Barbra also attended the University of Lagos located in Nigeria in 1988 where he too served as a professor in 2000. Stay tuned to this website for more details and updates.

Categories: Biography
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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