Who is the wife of Sergio Rico? Meet the family of Spanish soccer goalkeepers

As the general public searches for Sergio Rico health information online, we will provide it here. The general public uses the Internet to learn more about him and his health, and lately his wife has provided updates. As a result, we have provided information about him in this post for our readers. In addition, we will provide information about his health, since many people search for it online. For more information, read the rest of the article.

rich sergio

Who is the wife of Sergio Rico?

According to Alba Silva, the goalkeeper is slowly being brought out of a coma to see how he responds. Sergio Rico, who suffered a head injury in a horse riding accident in El Rocío just over a week ago, is still hospitalized at the Virgen del Rocío Hospital. The PSG goalkeeper was described as “stable without significant changes” in the last medical report, despite the fact that it was found that his general condition was still serious. Sergio Rico’s wife, Alba Silva, provided updated information on his rehabilitation on Monday. “Past by past. Slowly, he told Europa Press. “We have a lot of faith in the Virgen del Rocío staff.” The Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper remains sedated in the ICU and under constant observation.

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Sergio is being gradually brought out of a coma, according to his wife Alba, to see how he responds. Alba Silva recently shared a moving tribute to Sergio Rico on her social media platforms. “Please don’t abandon me, my darling; I swear I can’t. Without you, I don’t know how to survive. We really love you,” she wrote. He wrote some sentimental words along with a black and white photograph of her and her custodian on her wedding day. Rico began his professional career with Sevilla, a La Liga team, where he played more than 100 games.

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Spanish goalkeeper Sergio Rico González, born on September 1, 1993, competes for Paris Saint-Germain in Ligue 1. He began his professional career with Sevilla, where he played 170 competitive games and won the Europa League twice. He joined Paris Saint-Germain in 2019, first on temporary loan and then permanently in 2020. In 2016, Rico played for Spain in his first senior cap and was selected for the Euros that year. At the Andalucía Joven Awards in December 2016, Real Betis supporter and regional president Susana Díaz presented Rico with the Sports award. Stay with us for the latest news.

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Source: vtt.edu.vn

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