Woman pays Rs 4.5 lakh for Delhi-Toronto flight, finds ‘broken seats’ and ‘no entertainment system’

A woman, her husband and two children flying from Delhi to Toronto on an Air India flight were reportedly dissatisfied with the overall experience. Read on to see what she had to say about her journey.

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Who is the woman who had a bitter experience on a Delhi-Toronto flight?

india air flight
Instagram screenshot

Shreyti Garg took to Instagram to share her frustration, highlighting a variety of difficulties such as malfunctioning entertainment systems and broken seats. She even uploaded a video of the poor flight conditions, which has now gone viral.

Many people responded to the video recalling similar encounters they had with the airline. “Yes! This is the service we received after paying Air India INR 4.5 lakh,” Garg claimed as he shared the video on Instagram.

What happened on the flight?

india air flight
Instagram screenshot

He continued: “We were on an Air India flight from Delhi to Toronto with our two children (aged 2.5 years and 7 months). And let me tell you about our flight experience: the three of us were sitting together and, unfortunately, practically everything was good. broken.”

“From broken seats to no entertainment system,” he continued. “Unfortunately, I forgot to photograph the broken seat handle and had to protect my little one from harm as all the wires came out of the system. Even after several complaints to the crew/staff, no action was taken. It seemed “The machine had been restarted, but nothing worked. We were left helpless with two children and were forced to do everything ourselves.”

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How much did you pay for the tickets?

He claims that he spent Rs 4.5 lakh on tickets. “Firstly, the price of tickets is already too high and also instead of making the journey easier for passengers, they made it inconvenient especially for parents traveling with children,” Garg said.

The cli[beginswithbrokenin-flightentertainmentsystemsinthethreeseatsGargresbookedforhistriptoTorontoAsthevideoprogressesshecanbeseenusinghercameraflashlightbecausethereadinglightswerebrokenThevideoconcludeswithtextsaying”Thiswasnotexpectedona15-hourflight!”[beginswithbrokenin-flightentertainmentsystemsinallthreeseatsGargresservedforhertriptoTorontoAsthevideoprogressesshecanbeseenusingcameraflashlightbecausethereadinglightswerebrokenThevideoconcludeswithatextinsertthatreads”Thiswasn’tpectedona15-hourlongflight!”[comienzaconsistemasdeentretenimientoabordorotosenlostresasientosqueGargreservóparasuviajeaTorontoAmedidaqueavanzaelvideoselapuedeverusandolalinternadesucámaraporquelaslucesdelecturaestabanrotasElvideoconcluyeconuntextoquedice:”¡Estonoseesperabaenunvuelode15horas!”[beginswithbrokenin-flightentertainmentsystemsinallthreeseatsGargreservedforhertriptoTorontoAsthevideoprogressesshecanbeseenusingacameraflashlightbecausethereadinglightswerebrokenThevideoconcludeswithatextinsertthatreads”Thiswasn’texpectedona15-hourlongflight!”

Watch the viral video here.

See this post on Instagram

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Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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