Women’s Equality Day 2023: theme, date, history, meaning

Women’s Equality Day: – August 26 is consistently praised as Women’s Equality Day in the US. The day remembers the section of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution on August 18. August 1920, which gave women the option to vote. Previously this right was reserved exclusively for the men of the states. The amendment was first introduced in 1878 and passed in 1920, effectively eliminating the separation when voting according to guidance. In 1971, the United States Congress declared August 26 as Women’s Equality Day.

This day, celebrated annually on August 26, commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. It serves as a reminder of the progress that has been made in promoting women’s rights and also highlights the work that still needs to be done. Women’s Equality Day is an opportunity to educate ourselves and others about the current fight for gender equality, as well as to support and uplift women in all walks of life.

Ladies’ Correspondence Day is a day to remind the present era of the efforts made by a large number of people for more than 72 years to achieve the right to vote for the ladies of the country. It is also a day to honor that large number of women throughout the entire existence of the country and, surprisingly, the world who fought and fought for a better future for their future.

Across the country, Women’s Equality Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm because it is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the many historic achievements of women.

History of the observation of Women’s Equality Day

The idea of ​​World Women’s Day previously appeared in the mid-20th century. In 1909, Women’s Day was first established as National Women’s Day. The day was first seen on February 28, 1909, when 15,000 women walked through New York City asking for more limited hours, better compensation, and the option to vote.

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International Women’s Day was first proposed by Clara Zetkin, who at the time was in charge of the Women’s Office of the Social Democratic Party in Germany, at the Second International Congress of Working Women in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1910. Furthermore, on the 9th March of 1911, World Women’s Day was praised without precedent in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. It was officially agreed that International Women’s Day would be widely celebrated on March 8 each year when the United Nations (UN) began celebrating it in 1977.

Theme of International Women’s Day in 2023

World Women’s Day 2023: Under the title “DigitALL: Advancing and Innovation for Guiding Equity,” the World Women’s Day 2023 Country Recognition Assemblies distinguishes and praises women and young people who are leading the way in the development of innovative innovation and computerized training. In addition to highlighting the significance of defending the freedoms of women and girls in complex conditions and handling the Internet and ICT with cruelty based on guidance, the recognition will examine how the growing economic and social imbalances caused by the lack of computer guidance .

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Proclamation of Women’s Equality Day

President Richard Nixon issued an executive order in 1972 designating August 26, 1972, as Ladies Privileges Day. The first official proclamation of Women’s Equality Day was Proclamation 4147. The United States Congress subsequently passed HJ Res. on August 16, 1973. 52, which stated that August 26 should be celebrated annually as Women’s Equality Day and that “the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation on this day.”

Proclamation 4236 for Women’s Equality Day was issued by President Nixon on Women’s Equality Day in 1973. It read, in part: “Through it all, the battle for women’s testimony was only the most important step towards the full and equal support of women in the life of our country. . Lately, we have taken other giant steps in pursuing sexual segregation through our regulations and clearing new paths to bring financial opportunities closer to women. Today, women are making significant contributions to the standard of living in the United States in virtually every sphere of society. However, there is still much to do. Every president since Richard Nixon has made a statement designating August 26 as Women’s Equality Day.

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Purpose of Women’s Day

The celebration of International Women’s Day aims to promote gender equality and recognize the achievements of women. This day also aims to promote gender equality by encouraging equal participation in social, economic, cultural and political activities to ensure that the most vulnerable members of our society have equal rights in all areas.

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Celebration of Women’s Equality Day 2023

On Women’s Equality Day, we can pay tribute to the women who have fought for equal rights not only for themselves but also for future generations. The day is also about giving all women the power and support they need, encouraging them to progress and overcome the challenges they face.

Celebrate the day by thanking all the influential women in your life (your mother, sister, wife, friend, girlfriend, or even a co-worker) for their contributions. Invest some quality energy with these ladies to celebrate and embrace femininity. There are numerous grassroots events coordinated on this day to help empower women and you can do your part by committing to it. This day can also be celebrated in a big way by supporting women entrepreneurs.

Women’s Day 2023 data

  1. World Women’s Day 2023 (IWD) is celebrated annually on Spring 8 and is a global festival of women’s social, financial, social and political achievements.
  2. The Socialist Party of America organized the first International Women’s Day in 1911 to promote women’s suffrage and labor rights.
  3. The theme of World Women’s Day 2023 is #ChooseToChallenge, which plans to urge people to challenge bias and imbalance in their own lives and networks.
  4. World Women’s Day is an official event in many countries, including Afghanistan, Russia and Ukraine.
  5. The gathered countries have celebrated World Women’s Day since 1975 and assign an annual theme to promote equity of orientation and privileges of women.
  6. Although women make up almost half of the world’s population, they still face significant disparities in several areas, such as employment, political representation, and education.
  7. The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report estimates that it will take 135.6 years to close the gender gap worldwide.
  8. Women represent the majority of the 796 million illiterate adults worldwide and are more likely than men to live in poverty.
  9. Women have made significant progress in recent years and there are now more women than ever in leadership positions, despite these obstacles.
  10. World Women’s Day is an event to praise the achievements of women, bring to light the problems of orientation disparity and promote greater equality of women’s orientation and privileges.
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Women’s Equality Day is an important day that commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. This important milestone in history serves as a reminder of the ongoing fight for gender equality and the progress that has been made. It is a day to honor and celebrate the achievements of women throughout history who have worked tirelessly to defend equal rights. Women’s Equality Day also serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges that women continue to face in society and to promote gender equality in all aspects of life.

Frequently asked questions about Women’s Equality Day

What is the purpose of Women’s Equality Day?

August 26 is Women’s Equality Day, a day that honors the tireless efforts of women who fought to have their voices heard and successfully gained the legal right to vote. This important milestone in history, also known as women’s suffrage, is symbolized by the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which ensures that all women in the United States have the privilege of voting.

Which country celebrates Women’s Equality Day?

In the United States, August 26 is designated as Women’s Equality Day to honor the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment (XIX Amendment) to the United States Constitution in 1920. This amendment prohibits any form of discrimination based on sex by both the state and federal governments. , ensuring that United States citizens cannot be denied their right to vote based on their gender.

When was the first Women’s Equality Day?

Enable women to reach their full potential and establish a society where opportunities are not restricted by gender. Women’s Equality Day celebrates the historic moment on August 26, 1920, when women were granted the right to vote through inclusion in the United States Constitution.

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Source: vtt.edu.vn

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