World Cup 2023, India vs Netherlands: Who has the best chance of winning? tarot predictions

India once again left their fans screaming after pulling off a flawless victory against England on Sunday.

Now, with six consecutive wins to their name, the team truly looks worthy of being called the unbeatable group. With the Indian team on track to set a new record, fans are busy wondering if the team will make it to the semi-finals without losing even once.

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The only match that worries Indian fans at the moment is the clash against South Africa. However, as per my previous tarot prediction, India is likely to win their match against them.

India’s last match before the semi-final will be against the Netherlands. In the ICC World Cup 2023 season, the Netherlands unexpectedly beat South Africa, making viewers wonder: Will India beat the Netherlands? Or would the Dutch team bounce back once again with a surprise victory?

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What are the chances of Holland winning?

For Holland, the Devil card makes an appearance, indicating that the team will likely be chained to a negative outlook towards the match. With the Devil the Hanged Man card also fell. This symbolizes how the team has little confidence and cannot materialize their plans.

Tarot prediction of the 2023 world cup india holland
Sejal Jakhwal

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However, the Four of Wands card with the Sun is a good omen. The team is likely to regain faith and confidence during the match. Any doubts within the team will disappear as the Three of Cups and the Wheel of Fortune paint a very favorable outcome for the team. But it looks like the Netherlands will likely enjoy a moral rather than a material victory.

(Beware: if Holland plays first, the team is more likely to lose the match.)

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What are the chances of India winning?

India starts the match with passion as the Page of Cups appears first. The team will likely face an unexpected obstacle when the Nine of Swords appears. However, the Seven of Cups shows that the team still has an asset to rely on.

Tarot prediction of the 2023 world cup india holland
Sejal Jakhwal

However, in the middle of the game it does seem that the team’s morale is dropping with the appearance of the Eight of Cups, a card that means giving up. But the Indian team will be back on track in no time with the appearance of the Justice and Empress card. These cards suggest that balance will be restored. The Indian team is likely to win the match.

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Disclaimer: These tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only.

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