World Day of International Justice 2023 Date, History, Importance, Theme and Greetings and more details

World Day of International Justice: – World Day of International Justice, also known as International Criminal Justice Day or International Justice Day, is celebrated on July 17 to promote the rights of victims and establish a system of international criminal justice. The World Day of International Justice emphasizes the importance of fighting the immunity of victims of war crimes, racial murders and crimes against humanity. World Day for International Justice marks the historic acquisition of the Rome Statute and the establishment of the international criminal justice system in 1998. The goal of this day is to unite all in support of victims’ rights and justice.

World Day for International Justice is celebrated on July 17 each year to raise awareness of the importance of international justice and its role in promoting peace, security and human rights around the world. It is a day dedicated to recognizing the efforts made by various international tribunals, courts and organizations to hold people accountable for serious crimes such as genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. This day serves as a reminder of the need for justice and accountability in addressing global issues and ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.

World Day of International Justice 2023

The annual World Day of Social Justice falls on February 20. This day is dedicated to denouncing social injustice and eliminating barriers based on gender, race, inequality, religion and other factors. Additionally, it examines possible solutions and improvements, as well as social injustice occurring around the world. We cannot ignore the fact that social injustice is an important principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and between nations. To eliminate the barriers that people face basically in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability, etc. it is necessary to defend the principles of social justice.

World Day for International Justice is an annual event celebrated on July 17 to raise awareness of the importance of international justice and its role in promoting peace, security and human rights around the world. This day serves as a reminder of the need for accountability and justice for victims of crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, and other serious violations of international law. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress made in achieving justice and highlight the challenges that remain. The celebration of this day encourages individuals, governments and organizations to support efforts to strengthen international justice mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court.

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World Day of International Justice

World Day of International Justice 2023 Overview

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History of World Day of International Justice 2023

Let us inform you that the World Day of Social Justice is not a holiday but a global celebration. The Copenhagen Declaration and Program of Action were formulated at the World Summit for Social Development held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1995. More than a hundred political leaders present at the summit said they would work for stable and secure societies, as well as the fight against poverty and full employment. In addition, it was decided that people must be at the center of development plans.

After 10 years, individuals from UN states evaluated the Copenhagen Announcement and Social Improvement Activity Program in New York in February 2005. Another important topic of discussion was how to advance social development. The United Nations General Assembly established February 20 as the World Day of Social Justice on November 26, 2007. This day was first celebrated in 2009.

The World Summit affirms that social progress is directed towards equality, solidarity, harmony and social justice both within and between nations. There is no doubt that social justice, equality and equity are the fundamental values ​​of any society. To promote social justice at the national, regional and international levels, the government must establish a framework to achieve a society for all.

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What is the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

An important authority participating in the World Day of International Justice is the International Criminal Court or ICC. This Tribunal investigates people and accuses them of the most serious international crimes. War crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression are all examples of these. The International Criminal Court (ICC) cannot replace national courts, but it can be used when a country is unable to investigate.

The International Criminal Court is governed by the Rome Statute, an international treaty that was the first permanent international criminal court in history. The Assembly of States Parties decided July 17 as the World Day of International Justice, according to the same criminal court.

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Objectives of the World Day of International Justice

The main goal of World Day for International Justice is to raise public awareness, inspire people to support the rights of victims of cybercrime and bring them justice. People from all over the world come together to discuss important issues on World Day of International Justice. In addition, the concern notifies those who endanger the peace, security and well-being of the nation and protects people from various crimes.

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Importance of World Day of International Justice

“Digital labor platforms”, which allow employees to work from home, were defined by the United Nations. These stages provide buyers with a way to earn money from home and are customizable business plans. However, the use of digital technologies carries a greater risk of illicit activity. When the streets are closely monitored for pandemic-related behavior, the scenario is especially true. Experts stress the importance of improving criminal justice awareness through a digital platform, stating that the underlying threat may be minimal. The International Day of International Justice is important because of the exploration and discussion of cybercrime and cybersecurity issues.

Celebration of the World Day of International Justice

On July 17 of each year, governments, non-governmental organizations and individuals around the world organize events and activities to commemorate World Day of International Justice. The celebrations aim to promote the work of international criminal tribunals and raise awareness of the importance of international justice.

Below are some examples of the ways in which World Day of International Justice is celebrated:

  • Seminars and Conferences: Governments and non-governmental organizations organize conferences and seminars to educate the public about the work of international criminal tribunals and discuss issues related to international justice.
  • Film Screenings: Film screenings screen documentaries and films that highlight the work of international criminal tribunals and the importance of international justice.
  • Public Lectures: In order to inform the general public about the importance of international justice and the role of international criminal tribunals in promoting accountability for serious international crimes, public lectures are held.
  • Social Media Efforts: To encourage people to support the work of international criminal tribunals and raise awareness of the importance of international justice, social media campaigns are launched.
  • Art Exhibitions: Art exhibitions are held to display works of art that show how serious international crimes affect people and how important international justice is in holding people accountable and stopping future crimes.
  • Human Rights Seminars: Workshops are held to teach people about their human rights and give them the tools they need to advocate for justice and accountability for serious crimes committed on a global scale.
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Theme of World Day of International Justice 2023

This year’s theme focuses on “Overcoming Barriers and Creating Opportunities for Social Justice” in the United Nations recommendations to restore trust in governments and strengthen global solidarity.

“Closing the inequality gap to achieve social justice” was the theme of the World Day of Social Justice 2020. It focuses on social justice because the global mission of the United Nations is to promote human dignity and development.

“If you want peace and development, work for social justice” was the motto for the 2019 World Day of Social Justice. According to ILO estimates, more than 400 million people between the ages of 15 and 29 live in fragile and crisis-affected situations. conflicts. It is also clear that less than 40% of people have better jobs and easier access to them to increase their income and contribute to more cohesive and equitable societies. It is critical to prevent difficult conflicts and address post-fight difficulties.

Quotes about World Day of International Justice

Here you will find out about the latest justice quotes suitable on the occasion of the World Day of International Justice. This special day is celebrated around the world on July 17 to initiate and recognize the evolution of international criminal justice.

  • -Injustice is the greatest threat to society. Let us join hands to eradicate injustice from the world. Happy world day of international justice.
  • -Justice cannot be achieved through violence. Violence kills what it claims to create. Happy world day of international justice.
  • -“The peoples of the whole world aspire to peace and justice, as well as respect for the rule of law and human dignity. Happy world day of international justice.

Frequently asked questions about the World Day of International Justice

Why is the World Day of International Justice celebrated?

World Day for International Justice is celebrated on July 17 as it marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statutes in 1998 that founded the International Criminal Court.

What is the theme of the World Day of International Justice 2023?

This year’s theme will focus on the recommendations of Our Common Agenda to strengthen global solidarity and rebuild trust in government by overcoming barriers and unlocking opportunities for social justice.

What day is celebrated on July 17?

July 17 – International Criminal Justice Day.

What are the three themes of justice?

Any discussion of justice includes the issues of fairness, equality, and fairness.

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