World Oceans Day 2023: wishes, quotes, messages, images, status for WhatsApp and Facebook to share

Everyone is aware that the surface of our planet is actually two thirds water, and today is World Oceans Day.

Every year, on June 8, people from all over the world commemorate World Oceans Day with the main objective of saving and knowing the importance of water. This day is also observed to draw attention to the effects of human activity on the seas and to unite people to defend them from exploitation.

Everyone is aware that the surface of our planet is actually two thirds water, and today is World Oceans Day. To increase the impact of this day and raise awareness of the value of water and all the seas, we have included a list of good wishes, messages and declarations that you can share with your friends and family on this day.

World Oceans Day 2023 Wishes

  1. The oceans are a gift from God and we must take care of them by being more responsible. Happy world oceans day.
  2. We may not realize it, but Earth will never be the same again if our oceans disappear. The oceans are our source of life and we must come together to protect them. Happy world oceans day.
  3. Immortal and unlimited. Invincible and strong. So are the oceans. Let us be inspired by them to save them from everything destructive. Happy world oceans day.
  4. The fascinating oceans that connect different land masses are the most inspiring creations of the Almighty. The time has come to protect them from contamination and threats. Happy world oceans day.
  5. Let’s make World Oceans Day more meaningful by making contributions at our level to save them. Remember, even the smallest acts can be revolutionary.
  6. The sea is life and also inspiration for life. With so many secrets and wonders locked in its depths, it is a vital part of our lives. Let’s unite to save our oceans!
  7. We have a strong connection to the oceans. They are the reason for our very existence; They are the source of inspiration. Warm wishes on World Oceans Day to you. Let’s save them!
  8. There will be no life if we are not going to save our oceans. On the occasion of World Oceans Day, let’s join hands to save them.
  9. World Oceans Day reminds us that every day we are spoiling the beautiful oceans with our wrong doings. Let’s reverse it all and save them.
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World Oceans Day 2023 Messages

  1. Each of us has a role to play in saving our oceans, and no effort is small. Just as a single drop of water forms the great ocean, in the same way, your small efforts will contribute to the greater cause.
  2. Today, World Oceans Day, you are here to remind us all that the oceans are the most beautiful and precious creation of the Almighty, and we must respect and save them to make our lives happier.
  3. Every wave and every tide has the power to recharge our lives. Wake up and work hard to save the beautiful element of Mother Earth. Happy world oceans day.
  4. Oceans are not just bodies of water; they are our source of life, and it is time for us to protect and save them. Happy world oceans day.
  5. As we celebrate World Oceans Day today, let’s take a minute to remember our neglect around bodies of water like beaches and acknowledge how that has impacted Mother Earth. This World Oceans Day, let’s all commit to working for the sustainable development of nature.
  6. World Oceans Day is a reminder that the oceans are God’s most beautiful and precious creation, and we must respect and save them to make our lives happier.
  7. Earth will never be the same if our oceans weren’t there. They are the source of life and hope for us. Let’s join hands to protect them. Let’s join hands to save them. Happy world oceans day.

World Oceans Day 2023 Quotes

  1. Being in the ocean, God’s creation, is like a gift he has given us to enjoy. Bethany Hamilton
  2. It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life arose, is now threatened by the activities of a form of that life. But the sea, though sinisterly changed, will still exist; the threat is rather to life itself. raquel carson
  3. Ocean: Body of water that occupies two thirds of a world made for man, which has no gills. ~ Ambrose Bierce
  4. We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be smaller because of that missing drop. Mother Teresa
  5. For me, the sea is a continuous miracle: the fish that swim, the rocks, the movement of the waves and the ships with men in them. What strange miracles are there? walt whitman
  6. Without water, our planet would be one of billions of lifeless rocks floating endlessly in the vastness of the inky black void. Fabian Cousteau
  7. And so castles made of sand eventually fall into the sea. Jimi Hendrix
  8. The ocean is older than the mountains and is loaded with memories and dreams of time. hp lovecraft
  9. The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, like never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat. Jacques Yves Cousteau
  10. The ocean is a central image. It is the symbolism of a great journey. enya
  11. How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is clearly an ocean. Arthur C Clarke
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