YouTube copyright claim: every detail you need to know

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At first, it’s easy to be on YouTube: think of an idea, record yourself with a camera, and upload the video. However, the tricky part comes when you want to make money from your videos and you need a YouTube copyright claim.

YouTube has millions of recorded audios on its platform, and it’s not easy to find if someone has used one that is yours. However, there are new technologies that help you recognize and claim the songs you own the rights to. If you’ve never settled a copyright claim on YouTube, here are some tips to simplify the process.

What is a copyright claim on YouTube?

A copyright claim on YouTube is when someone says that you are using their content on the platform, and it can be an audio, an image or a video clip.

A copyright claim on YouTube is when someone says that you are using their content on the platform.

YouTube uses technology to monitor the content people upload to the web, called Content ID. Content ID is an automated tool that manages everything related to copyright claims on YouTube. This tool searches and analyzes the different videos to find if a video has audio, images or video clips that are being used without permission.

So if you upload content with Content ID, you will be sure that no one can use your content without your express consent because if they do, Content ID will quickly recognize it.

YouTube copyright claim: how to fix it

If someone has claimed any content from your videos, don’t worry! This will not seriously affect your channel. In other words, copyright claims on YouTube only involve the video being claimed. However, some options can occur when someone claims your content:

  • If you have used content from other users, they can claim revenue from your video or add ads to it to generate that revenue.
  • Another action they can take is to restrict your video in some countries or regions or block it directly from YouTube, regardless of the territory.
  • In addition, they can also monitor the video to see how it performs on the platform, but this will disable monetization. If your video gets views, you can consider enabling monetization later.
  • The last option is that they do not act against the video. You cannot rely on this, as users will probably try to earn revenue from your video if you are using their content.
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YouTube Copyright Claim: How to Open a Dispute

If you have a copyright claim on YouTube and you know it’s not correct, you can open a dispute.

  1. YouTube Studio account: The first thing you need to do is go to your YouTube Studio account. If you have an official artist account to upload your music videos, it will be easier for YouTube to recognize your content.
  2. Find the video with the copyright claim: Within your YouTube Studio account, find the video with the copyright claim you want to dispute. Then tap on the options to see “copyright claims”.
  3. Open a dispute for the copyright claim: In the restrictions section, find the option “copyright claim” and click “view details”. From there, you just have to look for the possibility that says “select action” and then “dispute”.

After completing the process, YouTube can publish your video or remove it from the platform, depending on the result. However, the copyright claim may lapse if the person who submitted it does not respond within 30 days.

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Content Ownership Conflicts

Among the different types of claims on YouTube, one is known as ownership disputes. Content ownership disputes occur when multiple content owners jointly declare more than 100% ownership of content in a specific territory.

In other words, an ownership dispute occurs when multiple content owners claim an ownership percentage of more than 100% in a specific region. These ownership conflicts are more complicated to resolve and you will surely need help. Still, in the meantime, the Republic Network’s copyright department has explained to us what they do in these cases to recover blocked or postponed royalties:

  • carry out an audit
  • Request the necessary information from the client
  • Make a F2F contact with the company in conflict
  • After we have presented the relevant information, we resolve the conflict
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As you can see in these steps, these types of conflicts are more tedious to resolve, so we recommend that you ask for help from a specialized company if you encounter a conflict like this. From the Content and Copyright Management area, the director Vanessa Vélez has told us about the procedure within Red República when resolving a copyright claim:

  • “First we must identify the type of conflict, know why it has appeared and be aware of who is claiming that content.”
  • “Once we have all the information verified, we contact the entities that have claimed the content and, surprisingly, 90% of the claims that reach Red República end up being withdrawn.”

How to make a copyright claim on YouTube

And what if someone uses your music in a video? As we have already explained, if you have Content ID, you don’t have to worry as this tool will do the copyright claim for you.

On the other hand, you can work with a publisher that takes care of your content and makes sure that no one uses your music without your permission.

The advantage of working with a publishing company is that they will help you with all processes related to copyright and licensing, such as synchronization licenses that make your music appear in audiovisual media, for example.

However, to do this manually, you must submit a copyright takedown request to YouTube.

If someone else uses your content, you can submit a copyright takedown request to YouTube.

What is a YouTube copyright takedown request?

A copyright takedown request is a formal request from a content creator to YouTube to remove a video.

To submit this request, click on your profile and select the “help” option. Then, type “submit copyright takedown request” into the search engine and look again for a button with the exact phrase that will open the process to start your request.

Claim vs. copyright strike on YouTube

In case you are wondering: No, they are not the same. A copyright strike occurs when the owner of the content being used without permission asks YouTube to remove the video that uses their content.

Therefore, to request YouTube to remove a video from the platform, as the owner of the content, you must show YouTube the documents that show:

  • The rights holder’s contact information (that’s you if you’re the rights holder)
  • A detailed description of the content (audio, image, or video clip) that the channel you’re complaining about is using without permission.
  • An affidavit that the material is yours and that it is being used without your consent.
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Be careful because a copyright warning on YouTube is a severe warning and your channel will lose the position of “good reputation” in the eyes of YouTube.

If you continue to use other people’s content without permission and reach three notices before fixing the above, not only will your channel and uploaded videos be removed, but YouTube will also ban you from the platform and you won’t be able to create a new channel.

Be careful! If you reach three notices on YouTube, your channel and videos will be removed.

Fair use on YouTube

YouTube has a legal doctrine known as fair use. This concept of fair use refers to the use of material protected by copyright without the prior authorization of the owner.

How to use copyrighted content with fair use?

We cannot explain a universal fair use rule because it depends on each country and its copyright laws.

For example, in the United States, you may only use content from other creators for commenting, research, criticism, teaching, or journalistic reporting if you want it to be fair use.

This often happens when creating music on YouTube, as many creators critique, review, or compare different artists. If you think you may need more information, you can always take a look at how music works on YouTube.

If you want to reuse any content, you should be careful and consider whether it is a fair use. On the other hand, when you want to file a copyright claim, you need to study whether that person is using your content legitimately.

When you dig into how to be a better YouTuber, things might seem a little more complicated, but we hope Republic Network has cleared up your doubts and you can start uploading your content without fear of copyright claims.

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