A 90-year-old Holocaust survivor from New York moved to Israel last month and refuses to retire from the front.

TO 90 year Holocaust A survivor from New York moved to Israel last month and said she has no plans to withdraw from the front lines following the devastating Hamas attack.

Lucy Lipiner, who arrived in New York as a 16-year-old Polish Holocaust survivor, told The Post from Tel Aviv on Monday that she remains determined and ready to face any evil that may come her way.

“My friends in the United States are begging me to come back. They said I am not going to help Israel by staying and that I will not rest until I return,” Lipiner said.

“I tell them, ‘Listen, I love America; I know what America did for me and my family, it was good for us, but I’m not running or going anywhere. I’m not afraid for myself.’”

With a wry laugh, the nonagenarian added: “Listen, I won’t die young.”

Lipiner has called New York home since 1949. Just a few months ago, in September, she felt compelled to “move home” to Israel and “be with my people,” never imagining the massacres that would unfold just a month later. .

“Knowing about this attack before I moved would not have changed my mind. Running is not who I am,” she said from his temporary apartment in Tel Aviv without a safe room.

Lucy Lipiner, who arrived in New York as a 16-year-old Polish Holocaust survivor, told The Post that she remains determined and ready to face any evil that comes her way. Twitter / Lucy Lipiner She moved to Israel last month and said she has no plans to retire from the front. Instagram / Lucy Lipiner

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During Saturday’s Hamas surprise attack, Lipiner said he picked up his seven-pound Shih Tzu, Biji, and ran to a lower floor to safety when the Iron Dome explosions rang out.

“The attack was shocking. The sound of the Iron Dome blast was quite terrifying,” she said, adding that it echoed several times during the day.

“They sent several missiles to Tel Aviv, and some fell, with reports of injuries,” he said, although none were life-threatening.

Follow The Post’s live blog for the latest on Hamas’ attack on Israel.

The 90-year-old authored the 2013 memoir, “Long Journey Home: A Young Woman’s Memoir of Surviving the Holocaust.”

The book details her harrowing story of survival as a six-year-old Polish girl whose childhood was stolen when the Nazis invaded in September 1939.

“I didn’t have a childhood, that was denied to me,” Lipiner said.

Lipiner was a six-year-old Polish girl whose childhood was stolen when the Nazis invaded in September 1939. Lucy Lipiner Just a few months ago, in September, she felt compelled to “move home” to Israel and “be with my people.” Lipiner said. Lucy Lipiner Lucy and Edward Lipiner in 1951.Lucy Lipiner

She recalled how at least 17 members of her family were killed while she walked barefoot and hungry through Siberia and Tajikistan in Central Asia, before finally arriving in the United States. Lipiner described her harrowing journey as “a ten-year flight to freedom.”

The widow has a son and a daughter, and she wants her mother to be attentive to what may come: “My daughter tells me that I have to be prepared, dressed and prepared with water” in case of new rocket launches.

He has witnessed history many times…and now again.

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The worst attack on Israel in 50 years: how we got here

2005: Israel unilaterally withdraws from the Gaza Strip more than three decades after seizing the territory from Egypt in the Six-Day War.

2006: The terrorist group Hamas wins the Palestinian legislative elections.

2007: Hamas takes control of Gaza in a civil war.

2008: Israel launches a military offensive against Gaza after Palestinian terrorists fire rockets at the city of Sderot.

2023: Hamas launches largest attack on Israel in 50 years.

More than 700 Israelis have been killed, more than 2,150 wounded and 100 taken hostage and the death toll is expected to rise after Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets and sent dozens of militants into Israeli cities.

Hamas terrorists were seen taking women hostage and parading them down the street in gruesome videos.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced “We are at war” and promised that Hamas would pay “a price it has never known.”

Gaza health officials report that at least 300 Palestinians have been killed and 2,200 wounded.

“I will do my best to tell the world what happened to us and the world did not come to our rescue,” said Lipiner, a retired licensed occupational therapist who was an IDF volunteer in 2015.

He said he hopes young people can take advantage of their strength now.

“I hope I can contribute to doing something good in Israel,” he said, adding shyly: “I am young inside and out, if I may say so without boasting.”

At least 17 members of her family died when she was a child traveling through Siberia and Tajikistan in central Asia. Lucy Lipiner The widow has a son and a daughter, who want her mother to be attentive to what she may come. Lucy Lipiner

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Despite the barbaric nature of the attacks in Israel – “our people are being massacred” – Lipiner does not compare the brutality of Hamas and that of the Nazis.

“I don’t appreciate it when people say, ‘Even the Germans weren’t that bad.’ The Nazis were more than cruel: they were sadistic, they killed children and babies before killing her mother, so that she could see it.”

Lipiner, who disputed Whoopi Goldberg’s roundly condemned comments about the Holocaust last year, added that the Nazis “indulged” hungry and thirsty people by telling them they would shower.

“The shower, of course, was not a shower,” he said of the gas chambers.

Lipiner says he would have moved to Israel even if he had known about the attack beforehand. Lucy Lipiner

He called Hamas “ferocious human animals that kill easily” and trusted Israel’s strength.

“I have no doubt about our victory: Hamas will disappear and the Jewish people will be strong and will endure.”

Lipiner is defiant and will not move an inch from his new Israeli home.

“I don’t have the habit of panicking. I just feel sadness and pain,” she said. “I’m not worried about myself while we go to war. “I will be here with my people.”

As he prepared to take shelter, charging his iPhone and stocking up on bread and water, Lipiner said defiantly: “Israel needs me. He needs us all. “I know it was the right decision to move here.”

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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