Anti-Israel protests on US college campuses are ‘misleading Jews’, says Jerusalem deputy mayor

The vice mayor of Jerusalem visited the Big Apple this week, where she had a stern message for American universities and their “so-called liberal justice warriors” who rally in support of Hamas: stop gaslighting and start thinking critically.

“Parents are paying a lot of money to have their children indoctrinated and taught the opposite of critical thinking, which is what college is supposed to be about. This is not critical thinking. It’s brainwashing,” Fleur Hassan-Nahoum told The Post on Wednesday.

Heated anti-Israel protests have erupted on US college campuses after Hamas terrorists massacred 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians, in a monstrous sneak attack on October 7, forcing the Jewish state to retaliate and protect itself.

The demonstrations have featured disgusting messages in university buildings and anti-Semitic chants, including: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

“What we are seeing on college campuses is the result of decades of indoctrination. “You can be a social justice warrior for any minority on earth except Jews and Israel, because somehow it’s not racism when you punch up instead of down,” he said.

“There is a cognitive dissonance,” he added. “Israelis cannot be human, they cannot be victims, so if you attack and brutally murder them, the attacks are justified.”

Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum said American college students are being brainwashed rather than taught critical thinking skills. Matthew McDermott

Hassan-Nahoum, who is visiting New York City to learn how the city came together after the 9/11 terrorist attack, said the protests “are misleading the Jews.”

“They are trying to cover up a call for genocide. I learned a new term: gaslighting. That’s what this is. Project what you are doing onto the innocent victim. “They are tricking the Jews into believing this is our fault,” she said.

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“We don’t have apartheid, they do. There is not a single Jew in Gaza. We left in 2005. They could have built Dubai. They ended up building Beirut,” he continued.

“True racism is the racism of low expectations. When you turn them into victims who cannot control their own destiny, that is true racism. They were offered a state four times. We left in 2005. They built a terrorist base instead of a beautiful country. That’s what they have to decide. Do they really want their State or do they want to destroy ours?

A pro-Palestinian protest on the campus of Columbia University on November 15, 2023. Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images Protesters participating in the “CUNY Student Walkout for Palestine” outside Brooklyn College on November 9, 2023 2023. James Keivom

Ironically, he added, there have been no pro-Palestinian marches in Arab countries seeking peace with Israel.

“I have a lot of Arab friends who came out in the early days and said, ‘not in my name,’” Hassan-Nahoum said.

“There has not been a single march in any of the modern Arab countries that have made peace with Israel. Ironically, it is the Western world and its so-called liberal youth values ​​that are on the streets… It is ironic that I receive phone calls of support from my Emirati, Moroccan and Bahraini friends, and not from the so-called liberals. warriors of justice in the West.”

Hassan-Nahoum also said this to students who support Hamas, a terrorist group that systematically deprives women and the LGBTQIA community of their rights: “In this very non-binary world we live in, you should come out of your binary notions of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

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Nearly as many American college students support Hamas as Israel amid the raging Middle East war, according to a troubling recent poll.

The online survey conducted by of 609 university students found that 22% of respondents sympathize with Hamas, while 26% side with the Israeli government.

That means about 1 in 5 college students support a militia group officially designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.

Hassan-Nahoum at Café Aronne on the Upper East Side. Matthew McDermott The deputy mayor said she wanted to come to New York City to learn how it healed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Matthew McDermott

“This shows how stupid people have become,” Hassan-Nahoum said.

After spending Tuesday in Washington, DC with 300,000 peaceful pro-Israel protesters, the Israeli politician traveled to the Big Apple, where she stopped by Caffe Aronne on the Upper East Side.

The Jewish-owned restaurant has become a gathering place for Jewish New Yorkers and Israelis in need of support and community.

Hassan-Nahoum wanted to visit New York City to learn how it recovered after the devastating 9/11 terrorist attacks.

“We can learn from the rehabilitation of the city, from the way you commemorated it so well and from the way that when you needed to attack and destroy the monster that did this to your city, everyone else supported you and we appreciate the American support us eliminating our own monsters,” he said.

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