Anupama 2nd October 2023 Written Update of Today’s Episode

We are here to provide you with the latest information about Anupama, the most popular TV show. As of October 2, 2023, Anupama provided a textual update for this article. Samar informs his team that everyone in the club except him and Adhik are parents. Correct, according to Hasmukh, Anuj, Vanraj and Toshu. Samar claims to be a university for parenting and says he wants to learn from them. Vanraj says being a father is not an easy job. Leela describes in detail to the ladies how a young man bothers them at home.

Anupaam talks about the special experience of being a mother, which no woman wants to miss out on. Leela rejects her request to allow the woman to go back in time and avoid becoming a mother. Anupama argues that suffering and motherhood go hand in hand: mothers grieve when a baby is sick or has a fever and worry about their own mothers during pregnancy. Being a father, according to Vanraj, is a challenge because men must prepare themselves to be resilient and protect their children. Women dance to “It’s The Time To Disco” at a party while men dance at a club. Anuj gets angry when Sonu and her friends make fun of the uncles.

Anupama October 2, 2023

Samar gives drinks to his friends and as a result, they start bothering the women. Samar returns to the dance floor with Anuj after he gets angry and they dance together. Samar sees Sonu and her friends putting alcohol in juice and mocking him for having children. Anuj intervenes to stop them from misbehaving and gives them a warning. The women finish their kheer while he takes Samar away. Dimpy regrets his previous rudeness. Pakhi wants to have children but Leela feels it is too soon for her because of Leela and Barkha’s nok joke.

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Kinjal advises Pakhi to prioritize her time with Adhik before considering becoming a mother. Pakhi is ready for the obligation. Kavya takes her multivitamin with milk, which Anupama brings her. Samar agrees when she calls to ask about her well-being. She asks him to constantly promise to return, and he does so with the children. Sonu acts inappropriately with a woman and angers Anuj. Anupama asks Samar to let her tie the thread before leaving for the party out of concern for him. Vanraj shouts and accuses Anuj of being the cause of Samar’s death when the body arrives.

Categories: Biography

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