Be careful, do this and don’t fall on April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day, a date celebrated every December 28, is a date where pranks are common, do this and don’t fall for it.

April Fool’s Day is a date where jokes are the order of the day, some heavier than others, so you must be very attentive on this date.

Furthermore, on this date it is common to hear you fell for innocence, this date is commemorated every November 28, but although jokes are in the air, this celebration has Catholic roots.

Origin of April Fool’s Day

Every December 28, the memory of the children who died during the rule of King Herod is honored, who in his desire to prevent the newborn Jesus of Nazareth from living, sent soldiers to kill all the children under 2 years old who At that time they met in Bethlehem.

Herod I the Great, was king of Judea, Samaria, Idumea and Galilee, he was characterized by being merciless towards his enemies, whom he did not hesitate to exact revenge on or eliminate.

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It is worth mentioning that within the narrative of this event, Herod asked the Magi from the East to tell him the place where the Messiah would be born, but since they did not tell him, he ordered the massacre for fear that the new king would take away his throne. . .

What to do to avoid falling for jokes?

Pay attention to the date: April Fool’s Day is celebrated on December 28 in some Spanish-speaking countries and April 1 in others. Pay attention to the date and take special caution during this day.

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Remain suspicious: If someone tells you something surprising or unusual on April Fool’s Day, remain skeptical. Ask for additional details and evaluate the veracity of the story.

Verify information: Before reacting or taking seriously any news or story you hear on April Fool’s Day, verify information with reliable sources. Pranks often include strange or improbable details that are easy to spot if you take the time to check them out.

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Be careful with unexpected news: If you receive unexpected or surprising news on April Fool’s Day, especially if it comes from unreliable or unusual sources, be careful and confirm the information before reacting.

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