Cautious or adventurous? Optical illusion reveals your personality based on what you see first

The best optical illusions are the simplest and most revealing, and one of the most recent ones to go viral can reveal your personality type. This one simply asks you to look at an image and tell us what you initially notice. But what are the two likely elements in the image and what does each element indicate about you if that’s the first thing you see?

The first thing you see in the image will reveal to you whether you are someone who hesitates to leave your comfort zone or someone who lives a demanding life. Simply put, it will tell you if you are more cautious or adventurous. Within the illusion, there are two different images: one of two individuals and another of three white pillars.

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If you saw the men first

If you notice two males before you see anything else in the photo, this indicates that you are bold and will probably enjoy your current life. You don’t really follow the rules; Instead, you follow your heart and spend your life like a butterfly, jumping from one thing to another.

Every day brings new obstacles, but you don’t flinch and handle them all calmly. You despise monotony and constantly seek out new activities and hobbies to keep your life interesting.

If you saw the pillars first

If you notice the three white pillars first, you are a safe player, which could indicate that you are too comfortable in your shell. You don’t like being outside your comfort zone and will do anything to stay there.

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You prefer to know exactly when and what will happen next in your life so you can plan accordingly. You are certainly more cautious, but this is not necessarily a bad thing; it simply indicates that you are cautious and want to consider things before making any decisions.

This optical illusion, which simply asks you to say what you see first, is said to have to do with whether you are right-brained or left-brained. Particularly logical, analytical and meticulous people are said to be more oriented to the left side of the brain.

This side of the brain is known as the “digital brain” and excels at skills such as reading, writing, and computing. People who are more creative, intuitive, and artistic, on the other hand, tend to focus more on the right side of the brain.

This side of the brain is often called the “analog brain” because it thinks in a more disorganized way.

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