Chandigarh Police Constable Result 2023 Cut Off Marks, Merit List PDF Download

Chandigarh Police Constable Result 2023 Cut Off Marks, Merit List PDF download links can be checked from this page. Chandigarh Police Department for Police Constable Recruitment successfully conducted the OMR based online written exam on 23rd July 2023 and now the aspirants want to know the Chandigarh Police Constable Result 2023 of their efforts made to the selection. So all those who want to know the income statements should read the full post.

Chandigarh Police Constable Result 2023

The recruiting authority, Chandigarh Police Department, is now planning to reveal the result of the examinations conducted on Sunday, July 23, for a total of 700 police constable posts in the department. The candidates with the highest scores will move on to the next selection process. Candidates who have attempted the job should know that the results are revealed on the authentic portal and to check their scorecards, they should use their login credentials.

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The recruitment department will activate the Chandigarh Police Constable Result 2023 link on the result release date, which they have not fixed yet. The answer sheets are currently being reviewed and once all the copies are reviewed by the experts, the result list will be prepared by the officials designated by the department.

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As there is no confirmed official date for the announcement of the result, to give an idea of ​​the expected time of release of the result, we have analyzed the different factors and based on that, an estimated date of the result. Probably in mid-August 2023 the authorities will announce the results. To check the exact date, keep visiting this portal for regular updates.

Chandigarh Police Constable Result Date 2023

Vacancy name

Chandigarh Police Constable Vacancy 2023

Recruitment Department

Chandigarh Police Department

Number of publications offered


Admit Card Release Date

July 13, 2023

Chandigarh Police Constable Document Date

July 23, 2023

Cutlist Release Date

To be notified soon

Merit List Announcement Date

To decide

Result mode


Recruitment level


Selection criteria

OMR Written Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Physical Measurement Test and Document Verification Round


Rs. 19,900-63,200/- with allowances

Authorized portal

Chandigarh Police Constable Limit Marks 2023

The Chandigarh Police Department will release the cut off marks for police posts after the exam. Applicants who clear the minimum qualifications specified in the cut-off list will register their name in the next round of selection, the PST and the PET.

If you have also taken the exam, you should note that the cut-off list for this particular exam will be published category-wise. Therefore, applicants should check the minimum qualifying marks for their categories. But one thing you should ignore is relying on other websites to check crop marks as the data contained in these websites may be fake and mislead you. So, wait for the Chandigarh Police Department to release the official cut-off list.

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Chandigarh Police Constable Merit List 2023

Aspirants who applied for the post of constable in Chandigarh Police Department have to go through all four stages of the selection round. Those who clear the first stage, the OMR test, will be selected for the PST and PET rounds. Completing both rounds will make you eligible for the document verification round.

After concluding all the selection rounds, the authorities will prepare a final merit list of the candidates so that the candidates know whether they have been selected for the post or not. Chandigarh Police Constable merit list will be released in pdf format. Candidates to download the merit list must use their login credentials. The merit list announcement is expected to take place in September 2023.

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Steps to Check Chandigarh Police Constable Result 2023

After calculating their marks by taking references from the answer sheets and comparing them with the cut-off marks revealed by the recruitment department, aspirants now have to check their score cards. The simple and easy steps listed here will be helpful to do the same.

Step 1: Open the authentic portal of Chandigarh Police Department.

Step 2: When you reach the home page, go to the “What’s New” section and look for the Police Officer Result link.

Step 3: After tapping on the link, you will be directed to the page where you will be asked to enter your login details in the space provided.

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Step 4: By performing the above activity, the Chandigarh Police Constable Result 2023 screen will open.

Step 5: Check all the details with concentration and if everything is fine, download the same.

Step 6: Take at least two printouts of your result for future selection rounds.

So I hope you have all the details to better understand the status of your results. I still suggest that you keep visiting our portal or the official portal of Chandigarh Police Department until the results are revealed.

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