Colombian influencer ‘steals’ the song ‘Juanchi va pa’ Nueva York’

‘Juanchin Brodie’ is a Colombian content creator who has gone viral on social networks and wanted to make his ‘own trend’.

Juan Andrés Robles, real name of ‘Juanchin’, made a video with the Honduran song ‘Juanchi va para Nueva York’.

In the recording, the content creator is seen making movements and choreography with his arms, according to what the song is saying.

However, the 20-year-old young man expressed that he did not know the context of the song, he just wanted to make his own trend, until Hondurans commented on his video.

“I didn’t know about the context but well I know now, I hope they do the dance,” the Colombian commented in his video, after reading the messages that the catrachos left him.

And the single refers to when the former president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández (2014-2022) was in the process of being extradited to the United States, arriving in the northern country on April 21, 2022.

He is currently in the New York Detention Center, accused of trafficking cocaine into the United States and use and possession of firearms, including machine guns and destructive devices.

The preliminary hearing was scheduled for January 18, 2024, at which time the defenses and the Prosecutor’s Office agreed to be prepared and avoid further delays.

About Juanchin

Juanchin makes a living as a content creator, where he performs, as he has different characters with different accents such as Mexican, Tolimense, Rolo, among others.

The young man, according to Colombian media, suffers from an ‘orphan disease’ that makes him look like a three-year-old child.

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