Easily adjust font size on Android 14 devices

As we age, most of us will inevitably face deteriorating vision and the need to wear reading glasses. It becomes almost routine to forget these beautiful glasses that allow us to see text messages on our phones when we are away from home. Without them, even the largest smartphone screen becomes a blurry mess of indecipherable characters. Although you can try to enlarge the text, this is often not a workaround. Fortunately, with the latest Android 14 update, Google offers a much better remedy for these forgotten problems of readers.

The frustrations of tiny text

Trying to read and navigate your phone without reading glasses can be endlessly frustrating. No matter how close you bring it to your face, the small text remains stubbornly unreadable. Meaningful messages from loved ones become mysteries, critical notes fade, and every app becomes a pixelated maze. While they’re generally manageable at home with magnifying gestures, when you’re away from your glasses, even the simplest phone tasks become pointless exercises in squinting. We’ve all been there, arms wide open, desperately searching for clarity that never materializes. Additionally, you can also read an article about Google Photos adopts native sharing sheet in Android 14 for an improved sharing experience.

Introducing the Font Size Quick Settings Tile

Fortunately, Google recognized this common problem for older Android users and finally provided an effective solution in Android 14. In the quick settings in the notification shade, you can now easily add a dedicated Font Size tile. With just a few taps, this allows you to dynamically increase text size system-wide when needed. No more zooming, just larger fonts for easier reading. The mosaic again makes the text larger or smaller with a simple adjustment.

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Add and use the mosaic

You can add the Font Size quick settings tile by editing its quick settings. Simply open the notification screen fully, tap the edit icon, scroll to find Font Size, and drag it to your main quick settings area. Use it by tapping the tile and then the plus or minus icons to adjust the size up or down. The simplicity of this quick fix for forgetful readers is great. Additionally, you can also read about the 25 coolest features of Android 14 [Detail Guide]


The new font size quick settings are a thoughtful addition in Android 14, addressing a common frustration suffered by countless users. By providing an instant way to adjust the text size from the notification shade, Google allows users to easily adapt when faced with small, unintelligible type. Now, with just a few taps you can read your phone clearly even without your forgotten glasses.

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Categories: Technology
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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