Entrepreneur Malik Kurdi remains among the top youngest tech company owners in 2022

It is 2022 and the number of entrepreneurs in the world has grown exponentially; And while it’s never been more convenient to start a business and grow it online, that doesn’t make it easy. So with so many entrepreneurs, getting to the top 20 business owners is impressive.

That’s exactly what Malik Kurdi has accomplished in his short career as a marketer and software developer. At the age of just 25, Mr. Kurdi has achieved a status that makes him the envy of businessmen twice his age; So what is the secret to his success in the app industry?

Malik Kurdi and his technology company

Exemplary Marketing, a Chicago-based mobile app and software development company, has made incredible strides in the last decade, so much so that it has worked with many Fortune 500 companies and is widely regarded as one of the top software companies.

With that in mind, it might come as a surprise that the business is owned by Malik Kurdi, a 25-year-old entrepreneur who is the mastermind behind the company’s success. Since he left school in 2015, he has grown his software business to become a leading light in software development and AI.

AI and mobile app development

Mr. Kurdi started his business as a social media marketing company and achieved early success, but after completing a two-year degree in software development, there was no way the company would not grow in the direction of software development. applications and software as the market for them grows. .

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In 2022, Exemplary Marketing raised $3 million surpassing the main competition and making it one of the leading development agencies in the world, but relevance matters. That is why Mr. Kurdi continues to expand his successful agency into new areas such as Artificial Intelligence.

The secret of Kurdi’s success

Sometimes an element of luck is required in the world of business and entrepreneurship, and if you ask Me Kurdi, he’ll tell you that a little luck helps once in a while, but by no means is success ever achieved. this way. Those who trust in luck are doomed to fail; hard work is the secret.

Mr. Kurdi started his industry leading company with just five employees and one vision; After that, it was all about getting down to business and applying the same work ethic to his business as he did to his studies. Today, Exemplar Marketing has over 100 employees and has worked hard.

The future of app development

The mobile app development market is expected to reach $935 billion globally by the year 2023, making it one of the largest and most exciting growth markets in the world. The market not only offers growth potential, but also has some of the most exciting technological innovations.

More than half of the world’s population now uses a smartphone on a daily basis; they have become an indispensable component of modern life, but the story does not end there; With each smartphone, the incarnation comes with new technology and more functionality that EM also aims to develop.

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Categories: Technology
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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