Farmington shooting victim: Who was Shirley Voita? Obituary and death of preschool teacher

In recent news, a Farmington woman named Shirley Voita was reported to have lost her life in a mass shooting. Here is everything you need to know about the full case, you should read the article and follow us to get all the insights. Continue reading for more details. Several people are anxious to know about Shirley Voita as she was pronounced dead following a mass shooting in Farmington. A mother and daughter duo were reportedly killed in a recent mass shooting that took place in Farmington. On Monday, an armed teenager identified as Beau Wilson fired indiscriminately at people’s cars and homes in Farmington, New Mexico. Scroll down to the next section for more information.

Shirley Voita

Who was Shirley Voita?

Three people were reportedly killed, including a mother and daughter, Gwendolyn Schofield, 97, and Melody Ivie, 73. Furthermore, it wasn’t just them who lost their lives, as another elderly woman was also killed. called Shirley Voita. Additionally, six others, including two policemen, were also injured during the mass shooting, but the mass shooter was later killed by policemen thereafter.

Shirley Voita

Shirley Voita was a victim of the Farmington shooting who lost her life at the age of 79. Gwendolyn Schofield and her daughter Melody Ivie were also victims of the shooting. The police have reported that all of them were driving through the neighborhood when they were shot. The two people were pronounced dead at the scene, while one died of her injuries later at Sun Juan Regional Medical Center. Following the same, everyone has been eager to meet Shirley but there is not much information regarding her personal life. Meanwhile, she is receiving tributes and her family is also mourning her death.

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Shirley Voita

On the other hand, Gwendolyn was originally from Vailer, Montana, and lived in an apartment below her daughter’s house in Farmington. The mother-daughter duo worked as teachers. In addition, both were active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. PKB News also expresses its deepest condolences to his family, friends and relatives. Please scroll down to the next section as this is a developing story.

Shirley Voita’s obituary of her family has not been released, but the news of her death is circulating all over social media. Everyone knows about the Farmington shooting, Voita was one of the victims of the shooting. It is reported that her full name was Shirley Bell Voita and she was 79 years old at the time of her death. At this devastating time, Voita’s family appears to be seeking privacy.

Shirley Voita

So none of them have come forward and spoken to the media. Meanwhile, Shirley is also receiving tributes on social media. Currently, Beau Wilson has been identified as the suspect in the Farmington shooting, and the police have already killed him. Beau reportedly fired at least 150 rounds. The mass shooting is reported to have occurred Monday at approximately 10:56 a.m. local time in a residential area of ​​Farmington.

Additionally, Wilson was a student at Farmington High School. Responding officers shot and killed Wilson at 11:06 a.m. As of this writing, a motive remains undefined at this stage of the investigation. A recent report has also claimed that the police have not found any connection between the suspect and the victims. So, it was a random shooting that took the lives of three people.

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