Former Obama adviser David Axelrod warns that Biden’s low approval rating is “very, very dark” news for the campaign

One of former President Barack Obama’s top political advisers warned Wednesday that President Biden’s record low approval rating is “very, very dark” news for his re-election campaign.

David Axelrod, Obama’s top campaign guru, referenced a recent Wall Street Journal poll on his “Hacks on Tap” podcast showing that only 37% of voters approve of the 81-year-old president’s job in the administration. Oval Office, and 61% have an unfavorable opinion of the incumbent.

The same poll shows former President Donald Trump leading Biden by four points in a head-to-head matchup, and by six points with independent candidates in the mix.

“Job approval is down, ratings overall are down, most comparisons to Trump are not good,” Axelrod told his co-hosts, political consultant Mike Murphy and former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs. . “What worries me, guys, from Biden’s point of view, is that this is the kind of thing that happens when people start rationalizing their votes.”

“And they just took another photo op with the ‘Bidenomics’ sign next to it… it’s just incredible to me,” he added, referencing the White House’s insistence on promoting Biden’s economic agenda despite the fact that poll after poll shows that Americans are dissatisfied with the president’s agenda. management of the economy.

David Axelrod, one of former President Obama’s top political advisors, believes Biden’s low approval rating is “very, very dark” news for his re-election campaign. AP

Two-thirds of voters said they believed the economy was bad or not doing well and had gotten worse over the past two years, according to the Wall Street Journal poll released Saturday.

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On major issues, such as the economy, crime, inflation, border security and Israel-Hamas, voters said they trusted Trump more than Biden.

The president received higher marks on abortion and “tone in politics.”

Only 37% of voters approve of Biden’s job in the Oval Office, and 61% have an unfavorable opinion of the incumbent. AFP via Getty Images

Axelrod noted that Biden is not doing “that bad” in the private polls he has seen, “but it is bad.”

Gibbs argued that the Biden campaign needs to start “campaigning in a much more concerted way” if it wants to start gaining ground against Trump.

Similarly, Axelrod said he believes Biden’s campaign is “very behind.”

The recent Wall Street Journal poll shows former President Donald Trump leading Biden by four points in a head-to-head matchup, and by six points with independent candidates in the mix. REUTERS

Last month, the former Obama adviser pegged Biden’s chances of winning the 2024 presidential election at “no better” than 50-50.

“I think he has a 50-50 chance here, but no better than that, maybe a little worse,” Axelrod told New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd.

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