From T2 triumph to T3 takeover: PODs improve feminine hygiene at Delhi airport, Sirona co-founder basks in praise

Delhi International Airport has collaborated with Sirona, a FEMTECH brand, to create a program focused on improving accessible feminine hygiene at Delhi Airport.

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Where are feminine hygiene PODs being installed now?


As part of this innovative initiative, 12 multi-product feminine hygiene product vending machines have been strategically placed outside all women’s toilets in Terminal 2 (T2) of Delhi Airport.

These state-of-the-art vending machines offer a wide range of products necessary for women, meeting their different hygiene needs. And now, this project has expanded to Terminal 3, ensuring that female travelers throughout the airport have convenient access to these vital supplies.

Why are these vending machines needed?

The newly installed vending machines, according to the company, offer a wide selection of sanitary items, including menstrual cups, tampons, sanitary pads, toilet seat covers, intimate wipes and pant liners.

Sirona Feminine Hygiene POD
LinkedIn Screenshot

This extensive range is designed to provide women with exceptional accessibility and convenience, eliminating the need to search for stores and ensuring their comfort and peace of mind throughout their trip.

What did the co-founder say?

In a LinkedIn post, Deep Bajaj said, “History is being made!” After Delhi Airport Terminal 2, we are installing ‘Sirona Feminine Hygiene POD’ at Terminal 3 (Delhi International Airport!). Starting in January, outside every woman’s bathroom, a “Women will be able to find Sirona vending modules offering a variety of on-the-go menstrual hygiene products: menstrual cups, tampons, panty liners, sanitary pads, etc.”

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He also reported: “The outside bathroom helps normalize the taboo! ‘Outside every bathroom’ and ‘choices’ make it very convenient for women 🙂 Happy New Year indeed!”

How did people react on the Internet?

The initiative has received much praise online; one user wrote: “It’s about time these silly but deeply rooted taboos are destroyed; we simply cannot truly progress as a nation or as humanity unless we learn these two very basic and simple notions about women: respect and freedom! Good made”.

Another said: “In fact, keep breaking the taboo barriers.” Among many others who also praised his initiative, check out the viral post here.

hygiene pods
LinkedIn Screenshot

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