Garland Owensby obituary and cause of death: accident or suicide

In this article, we are going to share with you some very sad and devastating news. A man named Garland Owensby has passed away. Professor Garland Owensby, a beloved member of the campus community since 1998, passed away on May 31, 2023, according to a statement released by the Southwestern Assemblies of God campus. The loss of Professor Owensby has shocked and saddened his students and close friends, who are suffering terribly. They are gathering to send their thoughts and prayers to his family during this difficult time, as well as to express their deepest condolences. Those who knew Professor Owensby expressed their sadness at his passing, underscoring his influence on their lives and the lasting relationships he forged within the SAGU community.

Garland Owensby Obituary

Garland Owensby Obituary

On May 31, 2023, the Southwestern Assemblies of God University community received devastating news: Professor Garland Owensby had passed away. He had been a respected member of the university since his admission in 1998. He was well known for his unwavering dedication to teaching, as well as his significant influence as a trusted friend and mentor to many others. His close friends and students have been deeply affected by his passing and are devastated.

Garland Owensby obituary and cause of death

Garland Owensby cause of death

Although the precise circumstances of Professor Garland Owensby’s death are still unknown, a source has revealed that it was an accident. Although there have been speculative reports about the suicide, no definitive information has been offered. Professor Owensby’s family have requested privacy as they mourn the loss of him in light of the unfortunate incident.

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Owensby Wreath

They have come together to pray for Professor Owensby’s family during this difficult time and to send them their heartfelt condolences. No details are known about his passing or obituary for him. But the impact of his on other people’s lives and the tremendous support shown by those lucky enough to know him are enormous. Lex Aguirre, a student, revealed on Facebook how Professor Owensby affected his academic experience.

The emphasis at this difficult time is on preserving the memory of Professor Owensby and supporting his family. Colleagues, students and friends of Southwestern Assemblies of God University will gather to honor his accomplishments as a teacher and mentor. After Southwestern Assemblies of God University uploaded it to their official Facebook account, everyone commented with his opinions. So this was all about this case. May his soul rest in peace. We will share more information about this case soon until then, stay tuned for PKB news.

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