Honduran man is looking for a girlfriend and turns to TikTok to show his ‘résumé’

Single, dancer, cook, happy and faithful, this is how the young Honduran man is described who has turned to TikTok to leave his “curriculum” (resume) to find a girlfriend.

This is Jonathan Andree Matute Ferrera, 28 years old, a business administration intern and 100 percent faithful, he said.

In a Microsoft PowerPoint document, which he divided into photographs, the catracho left specific information about his life, such as that he is single and knows a little of the English language.

“Family man and focused on his goals, not very fond of parties (but with the future he would go to a few without any problem), God-fearing, fun, respectful, in other words, perfect,” one can read in his CV.

Likewise, he left a huge list of his “skills”, where they highlight that he is “faithful, a cook, sexy, adventurous, romantic” and above all, that he has “parenting skills.”

Finally, he emphasized his fidelity, his gastronomic skills and that he was raised by “good parents and with Christian values.”

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Honduran man looking for a girlfriend on TikTok

His proposal of the Honduran man looking for a girlfriend went viral on the Chinese video platform, where it has already accumulated more than 55 thousand views and has almost 500 comments.

“His astrological chart was missing, in these times it is necessary to know the compatibility”; “now it’s time to set the requirements for the applicants”; “Do you accept with blessings?” and “you’re handsome, where should I apply?” are some comments.

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So far the young man has not made it known if he has already received formal offers or if it was all a joke to gain popularity on the social network.

READ ALSO: Who’s in? Honduran soldier looking for a boyfriend; this is the requirement

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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