How much beer is too much beer? Man who suffered from a hangover for a month may have an answer

How many drinks is too many drinks? Well, a man might have an answer to this reflection. A 37-year-old man attracted widespread attention for enduring what may be the world’s longest recorded hangover, lasting 28 days.

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What led to the month-long hangover?

Man suffers hangover for a month after consuming 60 pints of beer

We’ve all experienced those difficult mornings: the pounding headache, the reluctance to open your eyes, the dry mouth, and the lingering smell of one too many drinks from the night before.

Now, let’s imagine that intensified by a factor of two, lasting a staggering 28 days. This was the reality of a man who endured a four-week hangover after consuming a whopping 34 liters of beer.

Why were the doctors surprised?

Man suffers hangover for a month after consuming 60 pints of beer

With no history of health problems or head injuries, the man sought medical help when his unusually long hangover persisted. Doctors, initially performing a CT scan, found the patient completely alert. The examination did not indicate any concerning abnormalities associated with his persistent headache and blurred vision.

However, a lumbar puncture revealed a substantial buildup of pressure around the patient’s brain. Further blood tests revealed that the patient could be dealing with a rare autoimmune disease known as lupus anticoagulant syndrome, in which antibodies mistakenly target healthy cells.

To assess the impact, an ophthalmologist was consulted to evaluate the patient’s vision. His examination revealed bleeding nerve fibers and swollen optic nerves. The ophthalmologist concluded that the main cause was excessive alcohol consumption.

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The man later admitted to drinking beer continuously for several days, just before the four-week-long headaches and blurred vision began. This drinking spree was sparked by an “internal crisis” he was facing at the time.

How long did it take to get back to normal?

Man suffers hangover for a month after consuming 60 pints of beer

It wasn’t until six months later that the man finally found relief from his persistent headache and blurred vision. Doctors prescribed long-term anticoagulation treatment to help him recover.

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